If you decide to make your garden near the house special and original, take a look at the regular style. A garden or park created in this direction is distinguished by the charm of perfect forms. A regular style is created using symmetrical elements of landscape design and neatly trimmed trees and shrubs.

Regular style appeared and reached its heyday and perfection in ancient France, adorning the palaces and castles of kings, dukes and barons, with the inherent emphasis on special parade, solemnity and luxury.

The magnificent gardens of Versailles created according to these laws. In Russia, there is also a striking example of such a direction - the famous park framed by the famous fountains of Petrodvorets.

This trend in the art of garden design incorporates the spirit of classicism. It is dominated by clear lines and layout, in compliance with rigor and order. Hence the other names for this style: classic, french, baroque.

Features of a regular landscape style

Symmetry is the most important condition when it comes to regular style. The word itself means that you will need to repeat the same plot in different places so that the elements overlap each other. There are three types of symmetry:

  • mirror (also called axial or bilateral);
  • rotary (beam, from one point);
  • portable (repeated after a certain distance).

With axial symmetry, all elements are created relative to the main axis. It can be a path, a pond, a door or another object of a central building. It is usually laid along and parallel to the long side of the site.

In ray symmetry, each axis passes through a single point in the center. Moreover, if the semi-axis is an even number, then mirror symmetry is formed. And if you get an odd number of semi-axes, you will see a rotary version of symmetry.

It is not always possible to organize symmetry, for example, due to the irregular shape of the site or small space. In such cases, the use of geometric shapes and rhythm is necessary. The rhythm in the landscape means the repeated repetition of a certain detail, motive. If the composition is successfully created, then even one or two types of motive will look more impressive than a diverse but ill-conceived mixture of plants.

Creating gardens and parks in a regular style

The area for the breakdown of a regular garden should be flat and large enough. Multilevel terraces are used to mask uneven terrain. Connect such terraces with ladders, bridges, etc. The decor here is represented by flower beds, sculptures, small architectural forms, wrought figured fences, etc.

The front part of the park, called the stalls, is one of the main elements of the regular style. The parterre is located in a horizontal plane in an open large space, in the form of a lawn or floral patterns.

The entrance to the regular garden is usually made at the lowest point in the park. But the central part of the territory is called the top point, here is usually located a house or a fountain.

Garden path, leading from the main entrance is considered the main one: it is wider and more significant than the others. The rest of the tracks are laid along the axial lines, they serve to enhance symmetry. The tracks are mainly laid out with classic hexagonal, square or rectangular tiles. Hedges are planted on both sides of the paths, in combination with other design elements.

The garden or park, created in a regular style, is surrounded by high walls, sometimes in the form of green spaces. Inside the garden, it is also possible to delimit individual sections with a hedge, creating small garden rooms (bosquets) for relaxation and other needs. The height and width of the fence can be different. In addition to the main function, hedges create a microclimate: they protect the park from the wind, provide snow retention, and hide imperfections.

They plant trees and bushes in different patterns: square, chess or rectangular. Plants should give in well to a haircut, otherwise the main idea is broken - the clarity of the lines.

Curly cutting of plants allows you to create three-dimensional geometric shapes (ball, cube, cone, etc.). It is best to choose breeds for cutting with hard, small leaves and preferably slow-growing. In the middle lane these are some deciduous and coniferous trees. You can plant cropped plants along the edge of any shape, and leave uncut inside. This will add originality to the park.

The general perspective of the composition and the natural beauty of greenery can be perfectly complemented decorative sculptures, which are usually located in the centers of compositions or at the intersection of garden alleys.

Ponds also have a strict shape, usually rectangular. These can be channels that are laid strictly along symmetrical lines, there can be a fountain, one or several, and in remote places - cascades. Ponds are usually made of natural stone using decorative elements.

Like all compositions in a regular style, floral design is simple and straightforward. This is usually a border of one or two flowers with a long flowering period. A border of creeping plants may be present - indenting from the edge of the lawn is required for clarity of contour. Lawns sown with grass of any one species, mainly fescue with a bright green color, which persists until late autumn.

Sometimes, ceramic containers are used for planting plants, which are placed in the same strict order, according to certain symmetrical schemes. And for creating alleys it’s very convenient and practical to use container trees Spring Ringwhich can be planted even in the summer months, thanks to the special protective properties of the containers.

If you carry out focused work in the park, its attractiveness will not fade after decades, or even centuries. Regular style creates a working mood, order in business, peace of mind.

Creating and caring for such a garden or park on the territory of your country estate is a matter for real professionals. Entrust it to the Landscape studio A2 with rich experience in such work, and rest assured that we will not fail.

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