Any garden without care eventually becomes abandoned, neglected, and simply ugly. Young trees and shrubs gradually grow old, begin to get sick and bear less fruit. The garden is destroyed, overgrown with weeds and becomes unsuitable for dacha labor and recreation. The plot should be cleaned up, rejuvenated and made better than the previous one.

Or maybe you have decided to sell your land or rent it out to the summer cottage owners. Obviously, a beautifully landscaped garden on the site will attract much more attention from buyers and significantly increase its value.

Imagine that you have to make major repairs in a large house. On your own, without professional equipment, tools and experience of such work is very difficult to do.

Restoration of an old garden is similar to such repair, but is much more difficult, because it will require not certain household, but specialized specialized specialized knowledge.

We advise you to contact the Landscape studio A2, immediately, because correction of mistakes made by non-professionals will undoubtedly cost you a lot in the future.

Often the owners of such an old garden believe that the formation of the future landscape is easiest to start with a clean slate, globally destroying all the trees and other plants on the site.

However, do not rush to conclusions, because even an old abandoned garden is an excellent base for creativity and has certain advantages. After all, it will take much less time and money to restore it than to create a full-fledged garden from scratch.

At the first stage of garden rejuvenation, it is necessary to plan the upcoming events correctly. It is best to invite a consultant from our company for a preliminary inspection of your site. The specialist will analyze its current state, suggest options for improvement, based on the General wishes of your family and the planned budget, evaluate the upcoming work and sketch visualization of the future design.

First you will need to clear the site of construction and household debris, old bushes and branches, withered grass, weeds and fallen leaves. On heavily overgrown areas of more than 10 acres, special equipment is used for this purpose, including trucks and equipment for uprooting stumps.

Such a huge amount of garbage can not be processed on the spot and it must be taken out of the site, to specially designated landfills. Of course, this is also within our competence.

After cleaning an abandoned and neglected garden will be much more obvious, where to plant flowers and plants, to equip the lawn, a place for recreation, children's and sports grounds, how to lay garden paths.

Among the old trees and shrubs, there will certainly be instances that will fit seamlessly into the planned landscape, and then you will not have to wait for them to grow and begin to bear fruit. Young fruit trees are planted in a new place, because the former trees strongly deplete the soil.

Some old trees or shrubs can be rejuvenated by pruning, feeding and care. Too sick or very old will have to be removed. The remaining tree stumps can be used as elements of future design, for example, to make them benches or stands for flower pots.

Over time, the garden changes, overgrown plants fill it so that the former appearance becomes completely unrecognizable. You will have to remove the extra ones, transplant some of them to more suitable places, sanitize and cut them.

On this principle, flowering perennials are selected and transplanted. But before transplanting it is necessary to make sure that the perennial is able to transfer it, otherwise the change of place will only further weaken it.

Transplanted specimens should be given time to recover by periodically watering and fertilizing the soil. The survival rate of plants depends on the subsequent competent care, so we recommend you the services of a personal gardener, which shifts these concerns on our shoulders.

From the selected plants of the old garden we will collect professional compositions, and open spaces on the site will complement and decorate with flower beds from annuals.

Of course, the alteration and renewal of the garden will require serious efforts on our part, but the effect will be amazing. The old neglected garden will be filled with space and light, and as if by magic will change to a beautiful fairy-tale splendor.

Cost of landscape works