• Improving the territory
  • Improvement of the territory of the family home
  • Improving the territory of the house

Improvement of a private house territory is a whole complex of landscape works for creation of comfortable living conditions for people, with preservation or improvement of natural beauty, cleanliness and safety of environment.

Landscaping is a complex and collective work of landscape designers, specialists in geodesy, ecology, soil science, construction, lighting, biology, gardening; engineers and laborers.

Landscaping and landscaping works are usually carried out in several large stages, divided into separate recommended sections. Most of these sections (i.e. activities) are closely interrelated.

In professional planning by our company's project department, we guarantee the combination and acceleration of their implementation, and thus save the customer's money in general.

Getting with the house territory

  • Conversation with the customer.
    At the first acquaintance we try to learn as much as possible about our client and together with him to define the general further concept of the idea of beautification of private territory, taking into account his wishes and our practical experience.
  • Measurement of the land plot, photo shoot.
    Accurate measuring with drawing on the scheme of available buildings and objects and their photographing from different sides will be necessary in the design and execution of documentation.
  • Terrain investigation, geodetic survey.
    Initially, the complex terrain or the planned work to modernize it involves a geodetic (topographic) survey with a detailed plan.
  • Groundwater level assessment.
    To determine the presence of possible underground voids and the possible reduction of their harmful impact on structures and landings.
  • Soil analysis.
    It is necessary to determine the mechanical composition of the soil, its saturation with organic and inorganic trace elements that determine the soil fertility, including contamination with pesticides and heavy metals.
  • Ecological study.
    It is recommended if there is a company with possible harmful emissions into the atmosphere, waste water discharge or radiation, or if there is a transport highway or power line. This is especially important if children, pregnant women or elderly people with poor health are living in the house, as well as if there is discomfort, headaches, rapid fatigue, etc...
    Our specialist will:
    • measurement of electromagnetic fields and radiation background;
    • sampling of air, water, soil to detect toxic substances or microbiological contamination;
    • the estimation of noise exceeding the permissible level.
  • Recording and inspection of trees and plants.
    Unfortunately, without proper care, trees, shrubs and plants can get sick quite easily, they are inhabited by insect pests, which is also detrimental to their health.
  • Determination of general and zone lighting.
    The combination of solar and artificial lighting can further emphasize the beauty and aesthetics of buildings, emphasize interesting objects of landscape architecture, reflect the individual style of its owner.

Landscape project and technical documentation

  • Preliminary sketch.
    Preliminary sketch of the designer, made by hand or on the computer, taking into account the wishes of the customer, but without detailed elaboration of elements and accurate calculations. At this stage, only the main zones of the territory, places of buildings, areas and paths, planting of trees and shrubs, flower beds and flower beds, reservoirs, small architectural forms and other objects are defined. For this purpose, it is necessary to study the peculiarities of private ownership and take the necessary measurements and photos. It is with foresight that serious and patient work begins on creating the individual appearance of the garden.
  • A sketchy design.
    The general style of the future landscape, forms and colours are defined. The preliminary sketch is finalized and agreed in detail with the customer.
  • Working draft:.
    The final and most complex part of the design. A set of documents that combines all the detailed technical drawings and work plans needed to implement the project, an explanatory note and an estimate.
    • The general plan.
      Basic project document showing the general concept and approved style solution. It is created on the basis of the approved sketch design and shows in symbols and scale: sides of the world, common lines of borders, schemes of functional zones with an order of their development, location of all available and erected objects on the territory (structures, paths, communications and plantings).
    • Explanatory note.
      It is a document that includes: a detailed list of all design elements, detailed explanations of the designer to each significant detail of the project and their implementation, an assessment of the primary condition of the area and recommendations for the customer for further maintenance.
    • Breakdown drawing.
      Directly designed for builders. It is precisely tied to the objects under construction in relation to the existing ones, dimensional and epuric lines, radiuses of curves, sections of structures, used materials and other significant technical information. For complex elements of a landscape the separate breaking drawings can be developed.
    • Lighting system layout.
      Well-designed and executed on the ground lighting system can not only ensure the comfort and safety of private home owners and their guests, but also to complement the beauty of landscape design during the day, and recreate a kind of fabulous and romantic atmosphere in the evening. This is particularly well achieved at night by using light sources directed at objects.
    • Watering and drainage systems project.
      The sprinkler system will moisten gardens, lawns and flowerbeds on time and independently, using sensors or a timer according to a preset program.
      If the ground has a high level of humidity, the plants will be sick and the excess moisture can damage the ground surface, especially on clay soil, up to the collapse of buildings.
      The drainage system will lower the groundwater level, accelerate the drainage of excessive melt and rainwater, including from roofs.
      There are open (ditches) and closed (pipes) types.
    • A vertical layout project.
      Reflects the necessary engineering and technical work on the artificial transformation of the terrain, in accordance with the master plan (creation of embankments, terraces, alpine hills, ponds), including to improve drainage properties.
    • Dendroplane.
      Dendrological map of the exact location of existing and planned plants, flower beds and lawns. In addition to the designer, a dendrologist and soil scientist is working on its development in order to take into account not only external beauty and style, but also adaptation to the climate, biological compatibility of plants, as well as soil and terrain features.
    • Landing blueprint.
      A guide for greengrocers. Plants of new plants in relation to the existing basic objects, width and depth of holes for trees and shrubs, borders of flower beds and lawns are outlined.
    • Plant assortment list.
      A complete list of plants to be planted, by variety and species, indicating their individual characteristics, number of copies and places of planting.
    • Detailed plans of small architectural forms (MAF) and other objects.
      If the object is quite complex (a gazebo, barbecue, alpine hill, greenhouse, playground, water reservoirs, fountains, garden sculptures), it will require elaboration of its individual documents.
    • Exact estimate.
      Which takes into account the work of designers and designers, the cost of all purchased basic and consumables, payment for the rental of equipment and services of involved specialists and workers.

Landscape works to improve the area of the family home

  • Breaking down a working project.
    Markup and location of all objects and elements on the ground.
  • Removal of unnecessary buildings, trees and plants.
  • Garbage collection and disposal.
  • Formation of an artificial terrain (if necessary):
    • Terracing.
      Creation of one or more horizontal steps (terraces) on slopes to increase the usable area of the territory and protect against water erosion.
    • The retaining walls.
      Decorative and reinforcing elements to protect the soil at the boundary of height differences (e.g. terraces) from landslides, as well as visual zoning.
    • Uplands and lowlands.
    • Water reservoirs and waterfalls (concrete works).
  • Digging out trenches, laying pipes and utilities for drainage, irrigation and lighting systems;
  • Construction and installation of MAF: arbours, bridges, fences, mountaineering, rockeries, grottoes, sculptures, etc.;
  • Paving of paths and platforms, facing of retaining walls.
  • Ground leveling (if necessary);
    This is the name given to the process of levelling and simultaneously enriching the surface layer of land.
    It consists of:
    • leveling soil (bottom layer - sand);
    • plant soil (middle layer - mixture of sand, peat, sometimes mineral additives);
    • fertile soil (top layer - chernozem with the addition of trace elements and useful fertilizers).
  • Gardening of the territory.
    Planting trees (cereals) and shrubs, creating flowerbeds and flower beds, landscaping the lawn.
  • Decorative cutting of trees and shrubs.
    To create them different geometric shapes and give them a beautiful, well-groomed look.

As you can see, our masters will have to work hard. But the result is a magnificent natural landscape, which will organically complement the external interior of buildings, demonstrating the style, taste and general mood of the owners of the house or cottage.

Cost of works on improvement of the territory of the house