Garden sculptures

The concept of garden and park sculpture has long been closely linked to luxury mansions, country residences or even palaces. Gravel paths curling between carefully cut trees and bushes, elegantly decorated fountains, picturesque ponds, elegant marble sculptures in the ancient style, created by renowned masters - all this is the entourage of a rich and noble life.
Garden sculptures are able to decorate and complement the general style of the territory, to give it harmony and charm, to emphasize the individuality and uniqueness of the landscape of the garden, as well as attract attention and cheer up the holidaymakers.
But times are changing, and today the garden with its carefully thought-out design, appropriately complemented by sculptural elements, is not only the domain of titled aristocrats. Everyone who has his own house or dacha can improve the surrounding area to his liking.
How to choose a garden sculpture
Decorative products for the garden are presented in the modern market with an abundance of options. Among this set you will definitely find something that fits your style, size, shape and price.
But when choosing sculptures to decorate the site and their locations are not enough to focus only on your own taste and desire. Here, as nowhere else, a lot of style criteria and parameters, and therefore the help of a professional landscape designer is needed.
Creating a harmonious landscape design requires an impeccable sense of proportion and style. Even the most perfect and expensive sculpture of a renowned master will not always unambiguously decorate absolutely any interior.
It is difficult to identify common parameters, which are guided by an experienced specialist in the selection of a particular element of decoration, here you can only formulate a general thesis. Adhering to these rules will allow you to decorate your garden elegantly and tastefully and avoid typical mistakes.
Modern garden sculpture should:
- reflect the taste preferences of the garden owners;
- blend in seamlessly with the surrounding landscape design;
- to focus on yourself, but not be too defiant;
- observe proportions relative to other elements;
- be durable.
When choosing a garden sculpture for your site, first of all you need to start from the general style of the site.
But sculptural compositions must be proportionate to the environment. For example, a massive statue will not look good in a small flower bed, and a tiny figure will be lost among large trees.
Large garden figures in the classic style will look advantageous in a spacious area. And the small ones can become the spectacular center of a small landscape composition.
It is not recommended to use many decorative elements. Understandable and clear accents can be placed with just a few sculptural objects or even one.
The division of the garden into different style zones opens up space for experimentation. Taking advantage of this design technique, it is not difficult to combine in one space classics and art nouveau, humorous and philosophical attitude to life.
In landscape design, designers recommend placing garden figures so that they look as natural as possible in their surroundings. Some architects believe that it is better not to draw excessive attention to the sculpture. It is much more interesting when you discover the delights of decoration gradually as you go deeper into the garden. Sculptures, here and there appearing among plants, help to create an unobtrusive but intriguing atmosphere.
Just as the appropriate frame makes a painting particularly attractive, so a properly selected frame for garden sculptures can emphasize their merits. Wooden or stone structures, hedges made of boxwood or yew twisted by the flowers of the support are most often used as a successful background.
When choosing garden ornaments, it is also necessary to decide which type of sculpture will be the most suitable for the particular case.
Among the existing options, the following are often used:
- statues;
- obelisks;
- steles;
- monuments.
On a private plot, it is best to put sculptures that are suitable for the garden. Other sculptural forms are more suitable for landscaping areas of public importance, such as urban parks and squares.
Sculptures for gardens of different styles
The garden in the french (regular) style should be majestic and solemn, it is best decorated with classic sculptures from elite materials: marble, granite, bronze, precious wood. They can be complemented with decorative topiary figures.
Sculptures in bronze or stone look very respectable. The cost of such figures corresponds to their high quality, so not everyone can afford such luxury. Of course, it is practically impossible to sculpt something out of granite or bronze yourself without having special artistic education and skills.
Garden sculptures made of natural or artificial stone, as well as original lighting fixtures will perfectly fit into the landscapes of an English garden, complementing its harmony.
The Japanese garden will be decorated with compositions of stones and boulders of unusual shape, as well as sculptures of gods, spirits or animals.
The rustic country garden gives full freedom to the flight of fancy and sense of humor to the owner of the plot. Here you can place sculptures of people, birds and animals, original forms and even ironic constructions from any suitable materials, for example, from wire, mesh, snags and branches of trees.
In any case, when choosing a garden decor, there are a few simple rules to follow. Each element should be combined with landscaping in style and proportions. Even the most interesting but inappropriate jewelry can ruin the overall impression.
If you want, you can try to do something yourself. Self-made garden accessories are a great opportunity to showcase your talent, craftsmanship and original thinking. The creative process is able to give unforgettable emotions. Of course, even in this case, you will need to show a certain tenacity, skill and imagination, not everyone can do it.
One of the simplest ways to create an interesting figure yourself is to paint a stone or log. For example, a smooth cobblestone is quite easy to turn into a ladybug by drawing black dots and white eyes on a red background.
But such amateur creativity is more suitable for own entertainment, serious things without skill and experience can not do. So we recommend ordering a finished sculpture for the garden.
Sculpture materials and which one is better
The material for garden sculptures can be very diverse, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Wooden garden sculpture is a good solution for those who appreciate natural wood. Pliable material is ideal for creating different images: fairytale characters, birds and animals, mills and small decorative houses.
For example, renowned masters sculpt magnificent models from snags of roots and branches of trees. Such an elegant wooden figure looks very organic among the greenery of the garden. Of course, strong types of wood are best suited for this: oak, beech, aspen or pine. For durability, garden sculpture made of wood is treated with a protective varnish.
Garden sculpture made of plaster is another available way to realize creative ideas. Among the main advantages of gypsum sculpture is the ability to manufacture small parts. They can be the highlight of any decor. But the cast is fragile and short-lived.
Decorative concrete is much stronger than plaster. Its advantages include good plasticity, resistance to temperature fluctuations, weather conditions and sun exposure. In addition, decorative concrete can be sanded to a perfectly smooth condition and can be imitated in any natural material, from stone to wood. But there is a significant disadvantage: the product surface requires annual treatment with special hydrophobic solutions, without which it quickly loses its strength.
Popular nowadays garden gnomes and small animal figurines are mainly made of ceramics. Unfortunately, the cheapness of the material and its wide distribution among the dacha owners has simplified the process of factory production and minimized the artistic value of such products.
The noble marble will give the environment a strict atmosphere of luxury and sophistication. It is perfect for classical statues of gods and angels, animals, columns and amphorae. Expensive varieties of marble retain their beauty and integrity up to 100 years in the climate of the middle strip of Russia. But it is desirable to protect it from frost by covering or removing sculptures for winter in a warm place.
Granite is even more durable than marble, but not as elegant and elegant, it is more suitable for solid monuments.
Garden sculpture of artificial stone combines the strength and durability of natural stone, practicality and plasticity of modern materials. The artificial stone is ecologically harmless and allows to create seamless figures of any complexity and colors.
Garden and park sculptures in bronze will reflect the respectability of the owner of the house and his great taste. Cast bronze is a worthy material for figures located in the garden and for fences, gazebos and benches. Even a small bronze sculpture will not only decorate, but also give solemnity to its location.
Sculptures made of metal are a good alternative to bronze, and they are much cheaper and look almost as solid. For example, aluminum is capable of taking any shape. It is lightweight, strong, durable, resistant to corrosion and easy to paint.
In Europe, garden figures made of wire are now gaining popularity. Woven sculpture made of wire is an expensive pleasure, but the special value is that each of them is unique in its own way. The exclusivity of the models is due to painstaking manual work. Besides, the wire has good durability.
Another type of wire products for the garden are models of mesh-netting. Having at the same time lightness, flexibility and sufficient strength, the mesh-netting has become a godsend for modern sculptors. Translucent masterpieces depicting plants, animals, birds and even people look at the same time unusual, beautiful and surprisingly airy.
Of course, any style can be mixed and combined, combining different shapes and materials, but this requires a sense of proportion, artistic taste and skill.
And it's even better to entrust it to us, and then you'll be guaranteed excellent results.
We also recommend ordering the services of a gardener for regular care of the sculptures in the garden.
Where is the best place to buy a garden sculpture?
Especially for you we have gathered a worthy collection of garden sculptures from different materials.
These amazing and beautiful models, which can be bought in our landscape studio, are created by the best masters from around the world.
Imagine what wonderful and unique masterpieces of art will be in your garden, they can be admired endlessly and proudly shown to your guests.
Garden sculptures catalogue