Garden paths should not only decorate the site, but also be functional, look harmoniously against the background of other buildings in your yard and be combined with the design of the garden. The tracks will give them a unique and special look. Garden paths should be comfortable, and the material durable and frost-resistant, and also, along with its practicality, bring aesthetic and moral pleasure.

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Now the European way of life has firmly entered into fashion, and the owners of country estates strive not to depart from these general trends. Therefore, it became very important not only to live in a private house, but also to transform it into a kind of masterpiece of decorative art. Owners of houses now need a simple green lawn or flowerbed with flowers in front of the window. They continue to ennoble their home and yard with all kinds of decor items. Elegant arbors flaunt in the gardens, alpine slides and reservoirs, luxurious flower beds and other elements of the landscape, to which magnificent handmade paths stretch.

First you need to competently design a plan for placing garden paths and determine the coating material.

Materials for garden paths

There are various parameters by which the owners choose a cover for these decorative elements. They vary in material, laying method and even type of paving. You can choose the material that is right for you: stone, concrete, tiled, brick, wooden or even printed. They all fit in different ways: some on concrete mortar, others on sand.

Natural stone

Very often used natural natural stone. Choosing it to cover the garden path, you can appreciate the quality and practicality of this material. A path made of natural stone looks very attractive. True, this material is not cheap, but you should not save on yourself and your well-being.

We are represented large selection of natural stone: basalt, granite, marble, limestone, all kinds of rock stones - all can not be counted. Naturally, in their origin these stones have a different structure, color. They all have excellent tones and varying degrees of processing. Natural stone is considered to be the best material.

Paving slabs

To cover garden paths, paving ceramic tiles are very often used, it gives some special look to everything around. The surface of such tiles is often treated with glaze of different colors, which allows using the imagination to make a track with various patterns. In addition, if natural stone is not suitable for you, you can choose a tile that mimics this material. Speaking of safety, in winter this material is rather slippery, but the developers created a tile with a relief surface.

Concrete tracks

If you do not like it, you can pay attention to concrete. It is presented in the form of plates of various shapes and colors. Due to the large selection, this coating is quite popular among the owners of private houses. However, the purpose of concrete slabs should be taken into account here, because they vary significantly in strength. Some can support the weight of the car, so they are suitable for driveways, while others are only suitable for pedestrian walkways.

Brick brick

There is such a kind of coating as clinker brick. Due to its cheapness and attractive appearance, it is increasingly gaining popularity among summer residents and other owners of private houses.

Wooden walkways

If all of the above types do not suit you, do not worry. You might like the wood finish.

Wood has always been in fashion and everywhere looks as if it has always been there. The item in the form of wooden bridges near ponds is pleasing to the eye. Of course, the wood needs special care, it must be impregnated with special compounds that increase its durability and strength.

Stuffed coating

Stuffed coatings are made from bulk materials. Moreover, their choice is so great that their eyes run wide. It can be sand, brick chips, gravel, gravel and even sawdust. The universality of such a coating is that it is very economical from a financial point of view, it is easy to stack and it looks pretty good. Of course, there are drawbacks to such a coating. The top layer should be periodically corrected, and in dry summer weather moisten a little to avoid dust.

And, despite this unusual, you can even say impossible combination, such tracks look very lively and natural. It all depends on imagination and skill.

We recommend to decorate the created masterpiece with borders or plantations in the form of low annual flowers. The main thing is to take into account the landscape features of your home, so that the paths are combined with the overall composition of the yard.

Sports flooring

For sports or playgrounds, as well as the closest approaches to them, it is advisable to use more comfortable and soft coatings that are resistant to constant mechanical stress. For these purposes, we offer tennis, sports plastic, regupol and other similar modern innovations.

Where to order arrangement of garden paths

It is best to entrust the development of the project of the road-path network and its device Landscape studio A2. The company’s specialists have thoroughly studied the features of this process in practice. Of course, we will recommend and select the optimal type of coating.

Landscape designers our company skillfully combine and combine any materials. Over 20 years of work, we have designed and implemented many similar projects, with excellent feedback from the owners.

Contact us, and very soon, wonderful garden paths with an individual design will appear on the site of your country house, to the envy of your neighbors and to the joy of your family.

The cost of designing and arranging garden paths