Your own personal landscape designer

Landscape studio A2 offers to our clients a new service. Trust us to take care of the beauty of your country estate and we will provide:

  • Sketch project in one day. Directly with your personal participation, we come up with an idea and develop sketches of landscaping.
  • A miracle is born before your eyes. The customer himself is directly involved in the process of creating a design project for the landscape of his land plot. Collaboration with the designer, taking into account your wishes combined our ideas and experience.
  • We will offer excellent ideas for decorating the territory with artfully selected and original garden sculptures.
  • You will have the opportunity to choose your planting material with a specialist help, not the prospect of buying a cat in a bag.
  • We will help to select contractors and jointly implement the design project.
  • Together we will create harmony and functionality, find compromise solutions in controversial issues, leaving a positive impression of ourselves.

Specialists working as personal landscape designers were trained in specialized universities, and their qualification is confirmed by diplomas and many years of practical experience.

The whole process of improvement of the territory is under the control of a leading specialist. It works with each family member, taking into account each individual wish, and implements a single functional plan.

Our task is to create a space of trust and warmth for you, the area should have been comfortable for every family member. You can entrust us with your deepest wishes.

After the implementation of the conception and planting of the plants, we will give advice on further care of them.

You will not lose contact with your personal designer, as his direct cell phone number will be available and you will always have the opportunity to get advice from him.

Collaborative landscape design

  • Landscape design is an interesting creativity. By participating directly in it, you get the opportunity to show your potential and discover hidden talents.
  • Landscape design is a fascinating but also complex process. Counting the days and waiting for ready proposals, we often do not find a place, remembering whether all the wishes were voiced and whether everything will be pleasant as a result of what the master will offer. Now you are the masters of the process, and under the guidance of a professional, the flight of your fantasy will only take on real shapes.
  • Involvement of a personal designer will help to keep the process under control and you will be up to date and, therefore, it will save your time, strength and money
  • You will become the author of your own garden with pride and respect for yourself.
  • The prospect of combining the pleasant with the useful has not yet left anyone indifferent.

Cost of landscape designer services