If your garden lacks a particular tree for perfection, we will try to solve this problem.

You can buy large single solitary trees from nurseries in Germany, from deciduous to coniferous, of different varieties and species, with perfectly trimmed crowns.

Nurseries specialize in growing trees of the highest class, where, thanks to complex care, an optimal combination of their beauty and health is achieved.

These plants, some more than 35 years old, have evolved over the years into majestic trees and will now be able to adequately decorate your garden, turning it into a special attraction.

Whether it is a private place for a family holiday or a manor of friends, for decorating your own garden or a garden of friends: your dream of an unusual tree will come true.

Large single solitaire trees are ideal as a special gift: what could be a better memory of special events, such as anniversaries or weddings, than a magnificent tree that will remind you of these pleasant moments with its luxurious appearance.

Psychologists note the ability of trees to create a special peace and positive mood for people who admire them.

In addition to its aesthetic value, trees help to preserve the biological diversity of the animal world and have a positive impact on the microclimate in the environment, enriching the air with oxygen.

But the most important saving when buying an adult tree is your precious time. Why should you waste it in such a long wait, if we will grow, deliver and plant trees with venerable care, so that you can immediately enjoy the view of the already finished garden.

If you haven't already done so, take advantage of this great opportunity to buy a tree for yourself and your descendants. We promise you the best trees and excellent service at any time of year.

Tree care in the nursery

The nursery lays the foundation for the plant to thrive in new conditions. Especially great importance is attached to the quality of the solitaire trees. Large trees from the nursery are the result of decades of professional care and passionate manual labor.

Love of plants, patience and diligence are indispensable virtues of the gardeners who work in our nurseries. Dendrologists are constantly busy taking care of trees, especially during the transplant and delivery period from October to May. They use the most modern equipment in their work. However, innovative technologies alone are not enough for good plant cultivation.

Gardening experience and knowledge of tree development are also very important, for example for elegantly cutting crowns or preparing trees for transportation. Talents are valued here, so everyone tries to do what they do best for the fulfillment of your dreams.

Preparing trees for replanting

A solitaire is not just a large freestanding tree. Solitair should attract attention, dominate the landscape composition. It should be a luxurious, perfectly healthy tree, and for this it must go through a difficult path of competent cultivation.

Each of these trees is regularly trained by transplanting to a new location with the roots cut. As the tree grows, this procedure is repeated up to six or more times, resulting in a distinctive, compact and healthy root system with many new thin root fibers.

The root system of trees condenses from transplant to transplant, as a result, most of the roots are compactly located around the trunk.

The root ball is crucial to the successful growth of large trees in your garden, so trees are regularly supplied with nutrients and watered as needed.

To ensure that our single trees will easily survive transplanting to your site, the root ball is wrapped in burlap during transport and then covered with annealed wire, which is quickly decomposed in the soil.

The crowns of the trees are manually pruned each year by experienced staff, so no additional crown cutting is required during planting.

When choosing a tree, the nature of the soil and climatic conditions at the site of future planting plays an important role, we usually try to offer several worthy alternatives.

We promise to select for you the best trees, provide careful delivery and planting, followed by caring care.

Prices for solitaire trees from nurseries in Germany