Quite often, the owners of country houses have a need to transplant trees, the reasons for this may be very different:

  • the tree interferes with the planned construction;
  • in the old place it grows poorly or gets sick;
  • the tree has grown a lot and covers the view;
  • somewhere else it'll look better.

At first glance, transplanting a tree does not seem to involve much difficulty. It would seem that it is not difficult to dig up a tree and transplant it to a new place in a previously prepared pit. But without certain dendrological knowledge and experience, nothing will work, the transplanted tree is likely to die.

Keep in mind that the branched root system of a large adult tree occupies a huge volume of soil, reaching a weight of up to 7 tons, without special equipment and auto equipment digging up and transporting such a tree is simply impossible.

For the tree itself, as for a living organism, the process of transplantation itself is extremely painful: part of the root system is lost, the immunity to diseases and other negative environmental factors is reduced. It will take some time for the tree to adapt to new living conditions and restore its processes.

There are cases where transplanting is very difficult or even impossible:

  • a young tree with an unformed crown;
  • the tree is very sick, infected with pests;
  • a large tree from the forest, with a powerful root system;
  • the tree is too close to buildings or communications;
  • special equipment will not pass due to road conditions, obstacles;

In any case, our staff will try to solve all problems and technical difficulties, for example, if it is impossible to use special equipment, we will carry out digging and planting of the tree manually.

When it's best to do a transplant

The best time for a transplant is late autumn, winter or early spring, when life processes are slowed down and stress is minimal. In addition, the frozen ground allows special equipment to work or use the equipment without damaging the soil.

But at will of the client, carrying out of a complex of certain actions and maintenance of the correct subsequent care, landing works can be carried out all year round.

Young trees under 3 years of age can easily carry a transplant at any time of year, older specimens are much more difficult to adapt to a new place.

Winter planting of large trees is recommended for specimens aged 3 to 20 years or older. There is one general rule: the older and larger the tree, the lower its survival rate.

Which trees are best suited for transplanting

Coniferous trees are usually well tolerated, especially spruce, fir, tui. Among deciduous trees, apple trees, plums, pears, linden, mountain ash and horse chestnut are resistant.

In any case, a tree inspection must first be done. If the tree is sick, possible wounds and damage must be healed beforehand, and pests destroyed. Ideally it should be a healthy, strong specimen, with a well-formed crown and root system.

Large trees in the nursery are grown according to these requirements: the trees are fed with preparations that enhance the growth of side roots, in the process of growth trees are transplanted several times, removing these roots. In this way, a powerful but compact root system is formed, ready to transfer the final transplant to the client's site with a guarantee of acclimatisation.

That is why forest trees grown directly from seeds, with strongly branched roots in a large area, are not always able to transplant successfully.

Preparation and planting of a tree

Measures to prepare for a tree transplant are carried out in advance: the root system is rejuvenated, the crown is sanitized.

Before transplanting, the plant should be inspected and if necessary, it can be given some food, pests can be destroyed and possible wounds and damage can be healed.

Before digging up the plant, it needs to be well watered. Then the tree is dug out with a large root coma of the ground, trying not to hurt the roots particularly. The cuts are treated with protective medication.

There are special requirements for a clod of earth. The diameter of the earth clod must be at least 10 times the diameter of the trunk, but it must be strong enough not to collapse during transportation. That is why transplantation works are easier to carry out in frozen ground, at air temperature not exceeding -18°C.

In the frost-free period to protect the lumps are used packaging in bags, mesh rabitza, wooden crates, plastic containers that provide sufficient humidity and free air access.

If delivery by transport is provided, the wood is securely fastened and transported at a speed of no more than 40 km per hour.

At the place of the future planting a pit is prepared in advance, the diameter of which should be at least half a meter larger than the coma, it is loosened and complex fertilization is applied for good root growth.

Place the tree in a planting hole and fill it with soil, mulch it to suppress weed growth and retain moisture, if necessary, strengthen with supports or stretch marks. A small earthy hill is created around the perimeter of the pit so that the water does not spill out, but gets to its roots. After planting the tree is abundantly watered, a couple of days later the watering is repeated.

Maintenance of transplanted trees

Proper maintenance of the planted tree is of great importance, especially in the first years after transplantation. The specialists of our company know everything about it, that's why we offer the whole complex of measures, allowing to provide the transplanted trees with comfortable conditions:

  • in the fall, we're fertilizing the ground;
  • in winter we try to protect the trees from frost;
  • in spring, we're doing sanitary trimming of the branches;
  • in summer we mulch, loosen, fertilize and water the soil, actively combat various diseases and pests.

For larger trees that may not respond immediately to a transplant, we recommend extending the care by a second or even third year after planting.

Tree transplant services

Landscape studio A2 offers planting and replanting services on the site. The specialists of our company know literally everything about the technology of transplanting large trees and subsequent care, so your trees will be carefully and carefully planted by us in a very short time.

All works are carried out under the contract with a clear estimate, we have the necessary special equipment and equipment for transplantation, and most importantly, invaluable 20 years experience.

If a tree is transplanted from our nursery, we guarantee its health and are sure to achieve 100% result.

Cost of planting and replanting of trees