Prices for plants from nurseries in Russia

( valid for the amount of orders of 200.000 rub )


nameheight, mprice, rub
White acacia (robinia pseudoacacia) 2,0-3,0 3000
3,0-4,0 4000
Betula pendula (silver birch, warty birch) 2,0-3,0 2000
3,0-4,0 3000
Amur velvet (phellodendron amurense) 1,0-1,5 2000
1,5-2,0 3000
2,0-3,0 5000
Red oak (quercus rubra) 2,0-2,5 3000
2,5-3,5 4000
3,5-4,5 6000
5,0-6,0 10000
Petiolate oak (quercus robur) 2,5-3,0 5000
Ayanskaya spruce (picea jezoensis) 0,8-1,2 1500
Canadian spruce (picea glauca) 0,8-1,2 2000
1,2-1,5 3000
1,5-2,0 4000
2,0-2,5 5000
Common spruce (picea abies) 0,5-0,8 500
1,0-1,5 2000
1,5-2,0 3000
2,0-3,0 6000
3,0-4,0 8000
Prickly spruce (blue spruce, picea pungens) 1,5-2,0 8000
2,0-2,5 10000
2,5-3,0 13000
Serbian spruce (picea omorika) 1,5-2,0 4000
2,0-2,5 5000
Willow elegant (weeping willow, salix babylonica) 0,4-0,6 500
0,5-0,8 700
1,2-1,5 3000
Willow white spherical shape (salix alba) 0,4-1,0 700
1,0-1,5 2000
1,5-2,0 3000
Horse chestnut (aesculus hippocastanum) 1,5-2,0 3000
2,0-2,5 4000
Sycamore maple (acer platanoides) 1,5-2,0 1300
2,0-3,0 3000
3,5-4,0 4500
4,0-5,0 6000
Common hazel (hazelnut, corylus avellana) 1,5-2,0 1300
2,0-2,5 2500
Purple hazel (hazelnut red, corylus avellana red) до 1,0 700
1,0-1,5 1300
1,5-2,0 2500
Large-leaved linden (tilia platyphyllos) 1,5-2,0 2000
2,0-2,5 3500
3,0-4,0 6000
Larch (larix) 1,5-2,0 2000
2,0-2,5 3500
3,0-4,0 6000
Cossack juniper (juniperus sabina) 0,5-0,7 1300
0,7-1,0 2000
1,0-1,2 2500
Common juniper (juniperus communis) 0,7-1,0 1500
1,0-1,5 2000
2,0-3,0 5000
Siberian fir (abies sibirica) 1,0-1,5 3000
1,5-2,0 6000
Oregon pine (columbian pine, douglas fir, pseudotsuga) 1,0-1,5 2000
1,5-2,0 3500
2,0-3,0 6000
Mountain ash (sorbus aucuparia) 1,5-2,0 1300
2,0-3,0 2000
Common mountain ash (sorbus aucuparia) 1,5-2,0 1300
2,0-3,0 3000
Mountain pine (pinus mugo) 0,5-1,3 3000-8000
Pine banks (pinus banksiana) 1,5-2,0 1500
2,0-2,5 3500
2,5-3,0 5000
Scots pine (pinus sylvestris) 1,5-2,0 3000
2,0-2,5 5000
2,5-3,0 9000
3,0-4,0 12000
4,0-5,0 15000
Siberian cedar pine (pinus sibirica) 1,0-1,2 3000
1,2-1,5 5000
1,5-2,0 8000
2,0-2,5 10000
Thuja occidentalis 0,6-0,8 800
0,8-1,2 1300
1,2-1,5 2000
1,5-2,0 2500
2,0-2,5 4000
Thuja occidentalis 'Rheingold' 0,2-0,4 500
0,4-0,6 800
0,6-0,8 1500
0,8-1,2 3500
Thuja occidentalis 'Globosa' 0,4-0,6 1000
0,6-0,8 2000
0,8-1,2 3500
Ash (fraxinus) 1,5-2,0 700
2,0-2,5 1300
2,5-3,5 2000


nameheight, mprice, rub
Chaenomeles japonica 0,5-0,7 250
Caragana arborescens 0,8-1,0 250
Berberis vulgaris 0,5-0,7 250
0,7-1,5 400
Berberis vulgaris atropurpurea 0,5-0,7 300
Berberis thunbergii 0,5-0,7 300
0,8-1,2 400
Berberis thunbergii harlequin, kobold, atropurpurea 0,5-0,7 300
Euonymus europaeus 0,6-0,8 400
1,0-1,5 700
Euonymus fortunei 0,5-0,7 300
Euonymus alatus 0,8-1,0 100
Ligustrum 0,5-0,7 250
Crataegus monogyna 0,6-0,8 250
0,7-1,2 350
1,5-2,0 600
Crataegus aestivalis 0,8-1,2 250
1,5-2,0 1300
2,0-3,0 2500
3,0-4,0 3500
Sambucus nigra aurea 0,3-0,5 250
0,8-1,2 400
1,5-2,5 1000
Parthenocissus 0,4-0,8 200
Hydrangea macrophylla 0,4-0,6 350
0,6-0,8 600
0,8-1,2 1000
Cornus alba 0,5-0,8 250
Cornus alba elegantissima 0,6-0,8 300
0,8-1,2 400
Cornus alba spaethii 0,6-0,8 300
0,8-1,2 400
Deutzia 0,8-1,2 500
Lonicera caprifolium 1,0-1,5 250
Lonicera edulis 0,3-0,4 300
0,4-0,6 400
Lonicera tatarica 0,8-1,5 300
Hypericum grandiflorum 0,3-0,5 250
0,5-0,7 300
Viburnum opulus 0,5-0,7 400
Viburnum edule 1,2-1,5 450
Acer ginnala до 1,0 250
1,0-1,5 400
1,5-2,0 600
2,0-2,5 1000
2,5-3,0 1500
Cotoneaster lucidus 0,5-0,7 250
0,8-1,2 300
Cotoneaster procumbens 0,4-0,6 250
0,6-0,8 300
Schisandra chinensis 1,2-1,5 300
Elaeagnus commutata 0,6-0,8 250
0,8-1,2 400
Mahonia aquifolium 0,5-0,7 300
Rosa rugosa 0,4-0,6 250
0,8-1,2 300
Sorbaria sorbifolia 1,0-1,2 350
Syringa josikaea 0,6-0,8 300
Syringa vulgaris 0,5-0,7 300
Cotinus 1,2-1,5 1100
1,5-2,5 1600
Ribes alpinum 0,7-1,0 250
Ribes nigrum 0,4-0,6 250
Symphoricarpos albus 0,6-0,8 250
1,0-1,2 300
Spiraea billardii 0,6-0,8 300
1,0-1,2 500
Spiraea bumalda goldflame 0,4-0,6 300
Spiraea bumalda 0,6-0,8 300
0,8-1,0 500
Physocarpus opulifolius 0,5-0,7 250
0,8-1,0 300
Spiraea nipponica 0,5-0,7 300
Spiraea japonica little princess 0,3-0,5 300
Physocarpus opulifolius f. lutea 0,6-0,8 300
1,0-1,5 500
Physocarpus opulifolius 0,8-1,2 300
1,5-2,0 700
Spiraea cinerea 0,4-0,6 300
0,6-0,8 400
Spiraea japonica shirobana 0,3-0,5 250
Philadelphus coronarius 0,6-1,0 300
Philadelphus grandiflorus 0,5-0,7 400
0,8-1,2 1000
Forsythia 1,0-1,5 500
Potentilla (dasiphora fruticosa) 0,3-0,5 300
0,5-0,7 500

Prices for large trees


TreeCost per meter of plant height, rub
6-10 pcs11-30 pcs31-50 pcs51 pcs or more
Pinus sylvestris 2-8 m 6000 5000 4500 4000
Picea abies 2-15 m 6000 5000 4500 4000
Picea glauca 2-10 m 15000 12000 11000 10000
Larix 2-8 m 6000 5000 4500 4000
Pinus sibirica 2-9 m 20000 18000 16000 15000
Thuja occidentalis 2-8 m 8000 7000 6500 6000
Thuja occidentalis Columna 2-8 m 12000 11000 9000 8500
Juniperus communis columnar 2-3 m 12000 11000 9000 8500
Abies 2-6 m 8000 7000 6500 6000
Betula 2-15 m 6000 5000 4500 4000
Salix 3-8 m 12000 10000 9000 8500
Sorbus 3-8 m 6000 5000 4500 4000
Syringa 3-5 m 12000 10000 9000 8500
Acer 3-8 m 6000 5000 4500 4000
Quercus 3-8 m 15000 14000 12000 11000
Castanea 3-8 m 15000 14000 12000 11000
Tilia 3-8 m 6000 5000 4500 4000

Favorable time for planting - from november to march.

The cost of trees in quantities of up to 5 pieces or at greater heights - negotiable.
The cost of trees VIP QUALITY + 25-60% of the price list.
The price includes: planting material with delivery, a set of works on planting.
The price does not include: the necessary fertile soil, the removal of waste soil and garbage, the guarantee for survival, maintenance during the warranty period.

Maximum delivery and planting time in days after contract conclusion

Tree height, m3-5 m5-8 m8-10 mabove 10 m
1-10 pcs 30 30 30 30
11-30 pcs 30 30 40 40
over 30 pcs 40 50 60 60

Prices of plants from nurseries in Germany


Latin name,
brief description of plants
Standard, root system packagingNumber of transfersWidth, tree trunk girth, cmHeight, cmPrice per piece, euro
Thuja occidentalis 'Brabant'
for dense clipped hedges
co/mb 2xv   60-80 15,3
80-100 21,4
125-150 48,5
3xv 150-175 68,4
175-200 96,4
4xv 185 200-250 233
5xv 615
co/mb 4xv 250-275 395 300-350 870,3
5xv 350-400 1243,2
400-450 1840
500-600 3300
Thuja occidentalis 'Vagnera'
crown conical, light green needles, pale in winter
co/mb 3xv   100-125 35,7
125-150 54,4
Thuja occidentalis 'Globosa Compakta'
shrub, yellowish-green needles, fragrant
co/mb 3xv 20-30   20,2
30-40 37,3
Thuja occidentalis 'Globosa'
spherical crown, green needles
co/mb 3xv 20-30   11,8
30-40 37,3
60-80 68,4
80-100 108,8
Thuja occidentalis 'Golden Globe'
spherical crown, golden-yellow needles
co/mb 3xv 60-80   62,2
80-100 93,2
100-125 108,8
Thuja occidentalis 'Danica'
spherical crown, golden-yellow needles
co/mb 2xv 20-30   13,4
3xv 29,5
30-40 49,7
40-60 79,3
Thuja occidentalis 'Elou Ribon'
crown conical, needles bright golden yellow
co/mb 3xv   20-30 34,2
4xv 100-125 51,3 125-150 45,1
150-175 139,9
5xv 200-250 202
Thuja occidentalis 'Columna'
narrow-columned crown, dark green needles
co/mb 2xv   60-80 17,6
80-100 22
3xv 100-125 37,3
125-150 52,8
150-175 68,4
4xv 175-200 96,4 116,6
200-250 174,1
5xv 225-250 295
250-300 420
6xv 300-350 980
400-450 2010
450-500 2700
Thuja occidentalis 'Little Chempion'
shrub with a spherical crown shape
co/mb 3xv   20-30 11,5
30-40 23,3
80-100 93,2
4xv 100-125 155,4 125-150 326,4
Thuja occidentalis 'Sunkist'
dwarf conical crown, yellow needles
co/mb 3xv   20-30 11,8
40-60 18,4
4xv 60-70 81
100-125 149,2 55,9
5xv 125-150 192,7
200-225 450,7
300-350 1491,9
Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd'
narrow-conical crown, emerald-green needles
co/mb 3xv   40-60 10,6
60-80 21,4
80-100 15,2
100-125 37,3 4xv 125-150 68,4
5xv 150-175 96,4
175-200 136,8
6xv 174
5xv 225-250 366,8
6xv 200-250 282,8
5xv 250
250-300 624,7
6xv 300-350 888,9
5xv 340-360 1081,6
350-400 1620
6xv 400-450 2220

ов - open root system
со - container
mb - ground clod
mdb - ground clod with a wire braid
2xv - transplanted 2 times
3xv - 3 times
4xv - 4 times
5xv - 5 times
6xv - 6 times
7xv - 7 times

The greater the number of transplants, the better formed and developed root system and higher rooting ability of plants, as well as more perfect its decorativeness.

Wire braid is a metal mesh in which the root ball is wrapped, for its preservation during transportation, the less the roots are injured, the higher the survival rate of plants.


Latin name,
brief description of plants
Standard, root system packagingNumber of transfersWidth, tree trunk girth, cmHeight, cmPrice per piece, euro
Actinidia kolomikta
leaves with white-pink spots
liana on the 2xv   40-60 31.9
60-100 40.6
3xv 100-150 69.2
150-200 98.4
Actinidia arguta
tall liana
liana on the 2xv   40-60 30
60-100 39
3xv 100-150 70
150-200 95
Aristolochia macrophylla
the leaves are large, heart-shaped
liana on the 2xv   60-80 57.6
3xv 80-100 123.6
100-150 156
150-200 219.6
Aronia melanocarpa 'Viking'
red autumn foliage color, black shiny fruits
co/mdb 3xv   100-125 96
Aronia melanocarpa
red autumn foliage color, black shiny fruits
liana on the 3xv   60-80 49.2
80-100 68.4
high 12-14 175-200 780
14-16 1,092
16-18 1,512
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
autumn foliage color - from yellow to orange
co/mb 3xv   125-150 85.5 150-175 117.4
200-250 228
co/mb 4xv 250-300 855
100-150 300-350 1,311
high 3xv 10-12 125-150 649.8
12-14 150-175 912
Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea Nana'
dwarf shrub, purple-red leaves
co/mdb 2xv 20-25   20.2
25-30 27.1
30-40 44.9
Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea'
purple-red color of the leaves
co/mdb 2xv   40-60 15.8
3xv 60-80 51.6 100-125 96
haircut 60-80 444
80-100 564
Berberis thunbergii 'Aurea'
lemon yellow leaves
co/mdb 2xv   30-40 34.3
40-50 47.3
Berberis thunbergii 'Bagatelle'
dwarf shrub, brown-red leaves
co/mdb 2xv 20-25   22.3
25-30 27.1
Berberis thunbergii 'Green Carpet'
cushion-shaped crown, light green, glossy leaves
co/mdb 2xv 30-40   25.2
40-50 29.5
Berberis thunbergii 'Green Ornament'
rounded crown, bright green, shiny leaves
co/mdb 2xv 30-40   25.2
40-50 29.5
Berberis thunbergii 'Kobold'
spherical crown, glossy, dark green leaves
co/mdb 2xv 20-25   22.3
25-30 27.1
Berberis thunbergii 'Red Chief'
the leaves are narrow red-brown
co/mdb 2xv   30-40 25.2
40-50 29.5
Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow'
the leaves are variegated, red-pink
co/mdb 2xv   30-40 28.3
Berberis thunbergii
green color of the leaves
  2xv   40-60 15.8
Vinca minor
purple-blue flowers, ground cover plant
8-11 2xv     5.6
Phellodendron amurense
golden-yellow autumn color of the leaves
co 3xv   200-250 306
4xv 250-300 426
Betula pendula 'Purpurea'
dark purple leaves
co 2xv   150-200 65.9
mdb 3xv 300-350 572.4
solitary.mdb 4xv 150-200 350-400 1,274.4
Betula pendula 'Tristis'
weeping crown with thin drooping branches
co 2xv   150-200 65.9
solitary.mdb 3xv 300-350 572.4
4xv 150-200 350-400 1,274.4
Betula pendula 'Youngii'
weeping crown with drooping branches
co 2xv   150-200 65.9
medium 3xv 80-100 68
150-175 123.1
14-16 200-225 648   300-350 572.4
350-400 1,274.4
100-150 200-250 442.8
4xv 100-150 400-500 1,814.4
Betula pendula
openwork, weeping crown
mb 3xv   250-300 52.9
solitary.mb 4xv 350-400 356
400-500 507.6
2 barrels.mb 3xv 200-250 160.9
3 barrels.mb 226.8
300-350 486
4xv 350-400 1,242
400-500 1,749.6
Euonymus europaea
decorative fruits, red-yellow autumn color of the leaves
co/mb 2xv   60-100 17.3
3xv 80-100 53.3
Euonymus alatus 'Compactus'
decorative branches, red autumn leaf color
co 2xv   30-40 46.1
40-60 57.6 3xv 60-80 168
80-100 264
Euonymus alatus
decorative branches, red autumn leaf color
co 3xv   30-40 35
40-60 48.5
60-80 133.2 4xv 80-100 324
5xv 60-100 100-125 876
150-175 1,200
garden bonsai.mdb 100-125 125-150 1,716
Euonymus planipes
decorative branches and fruits, red-yellow autumn color of the leaves
co/mb 3xv   40-60 72
60-80 87.6 4xv 80-100 184
5xv 60-100 175-200 1,236
Crataegus laevigata 'Paul's Scarlet'
purple-red double flowers
co 2xv   60-100 38.6 3xv 125-150 153.6
150-200 213.6
200-250 306
low 105.6 4xv 250-300 624
5xv 150-200 300-350 1,752
150-200 350-400 2,484
medium 3xv   100-125 105.6
high 14-16 300-350 960
Crataegus monogina 'Stricta'
columnar crown, white flowers, dark red fruits 3xv   200-250 306
Crataegus monogina
white flowers, dark red fruits
co 2xv   60-100 15.8
3xv 100-125 90
125-150 153.6
conical 4xv 275-300 2,016
Sambucus canadensis 'Maxima'
white flowers, large inflorescences
co 2xv   60-100 24
Sambucus racemosa 'Plumosa Aurea'
red fruits, greenish-yellow split leaves
co 3xv   80-100 40.6
Sambucus nigra
white flowers, black fruits
co 2xv   60-100 19
3xv 100-125 48.5
Weigela hybrida 'Bristol Ruby'
ruby-red flowers with an orange-red center
co 2xv   60-100 19
3xv 80-100 53.3
100-125 80.4
Weigela hybrida 'Nana Variegata'
yellow-tinged leaves and pink flowers
co/mb 2xv   40-60 23.5
3xv 60-80 68.4
Weigela hybrida 'Styriaca'
pink flowers
co 2xv   60-100 19
3xv 60-80 38.2
100-125 80.4
Weigela florida 'Purpurea'
reddish-green leaves, dark pink flowers
co/mb 2xv   40-60 23.5
3xv 60-80 68.4
Weigela florida
dark pink flowers
co 3xv   60-80 38.2
100-125 80.4
Calluna x hybr
white, pink or red color of the flowers
mb 2xv 15-20   40.7
20-30   5.4
Empetrum nigrum
cushion-shaped low shrub
co 2xv 10-15   9.8
15-20 11.3
Daphne mezereum
pink flowers bloom before the leaves emerge 3xv   80-100 144
Ulmus glabra 'Pendula'
weeping form on the stem
high strain.mdb 3xv 12-14 200-250 708
16-18 1,320
18-20 1,752
4xv 20-25 2,544
Hamamelis virginiana
light yellow flowers, bright yellow autumn color of the leaves
co/mb 3xv   60-80 98.4
80-100 136
Gaultheria procumbens
low shrub with light pink flowers and red fruits
co/mb 2xv 8-12   5.7
2xv 12-18 7.9
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'
white flowers
co/mb 3xv   60-80 46.1
Hydrangea arborescens 'Grandiflora'
white flowers
co/mb 3xv   60-80 46.1
Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora'
creamy white flowers
co/mb 3xv   60-80 46.1 80-100 109.4
125-150 213.2
medium 80-100 140.2
100-125 159
Hydrangea paniculata 'Kyushu'
the flowers are white, in large inflorescences
co 3xv   60-80 46.1
Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight'
creamy white flowers
co 3xv   60-80 52
Hydrangea paniculata 'Mathilda'
the flowers are creamy-white, greenish-red when blooming
co 3xv   60-80 46.1
Hydrangea paniculata 'Tardiva'
the flowers are white, pink when blooming, in large inflorescences
co 3xv   60-80 46.1
Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula'
weeping crown, narrow silver-green leaves
high 3xv 10-12 175-200 684
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
bright red autumn color of the leaves
liana on the 2xv 1-2 branches 50-100 14.6
3xv   100-150 69.6
150-200 98.4
Parthenocissus quinquefolia 'Engelmannii'
carmine-purple autumn color of the leaves
liana on the 2xv 1-2 branches 50-100 14.2
3xv   100-150 69.6
150-200 98.4
Deutzia x magnifica
white flowers
co 2xv   60-100 15
3xv 125-150 80.9
Deutzia gracilis
white flowers 2xv   20-30 15.5
30-40 18.2
Celastrus orbiculatus
tall shade-tolerant liana
liana on the 2xv   60-100 15.4
3xv 100-150 82.8
150-200 120
Genista tinctoria 'Plena'
the flowers are golden yellow
co/mb 2xv   20-30 14.2
30-40 17.5
Genista tinctoria
the flowers are golden yellow
co/mb 2xv   40-60 7.9
Quercus robur 'Concordia'
lemon-yellow leaves 3xv   175-200 518.4
Quercus robur 'Pendula'
weeping crown 5xv   400-500 4,924.8
Quercus robur 'Fastigiata Koster'
correct columnar crown 3xv   150-175 132.8
4xv 250-300 853.2
Quercus robur
spreading crown, decorative leaves
high 3xv 12-14 250-300 464.4
14-16 300-350 648
16-18 350-400 853.2
18-20 400-450 1,188
low 4xv 20-25 450-500 1,674
Lonicera x heckrottii
the flowers are reddish to purple, later turning yellow
liana on the 2xv   60-100 14.6
3xv 100-150 69.6
150-200 98.4
Lonicera caprifolium
the flowers are white-pink, later turning yellow
liana on the 2xv   60-100 14.6
3xv 100-150 69.6
150-200 98.4
Lonicera xylosteoides 'Clavey's Dwarf'
yellowish flowers, dark red fruits
co 2xv   30-40 15.8
40-60 17.5
Lonicera tatarica
the flowers are from white to dark pink
co 2xv   60-100 16.3
Salix alba 'Liempde'
the conical shape of the crown
high strain.mdb 3xv 14-16 300-350 510
Salix alba
silver-green leaves
high strain.ob/mdb 3xv 14-16 150-200 510
Salix caprea 'Pendula'
yellow earrings and a weeping crown shape
medium 3xv   100-125 40.6
125-150 47.2
Salix fragilis
bluish-green leaves
co 2xv   60-100 14.9
40-60 27.6
Salix repens ssp. argentea
creeping crown, silver-gray color of the leaves
co 2xv 40-60   16.3
Salix purpurea 'Nana'
red-brown color of the shoots
co 2xv   40-60 16.3
Salix purpurea 'Pendula'
red-brown shoots, weeping crown shape
medium 3xv   100-125 62.4
Amelanchier laevis
orange-red autumn color of the leaves
co 2xv   60-100 33 3xv 80-100 158
100-125 197.6
Amelanchier laevis
purple-orange autumn leaf color
co 2xv   60-100 17.3
3-4 3xv 125-150 73.2
5-7 200-250 232
Viburnum lantana
bright red, then blackening fruits
co 2xv   60-100 21.4
3xv 80-100 43.7
100-125 50.4
solitary.mdb 200-250 168
Viburnum opulus 'Compactum'
low shrub, white flowers, red fruits
co/mb 2xv   80-100 109.2
Viburnum opulus 'Roseum'
white flowers in large spherical inflorescences
co 2xv   60-100 23.5
3xv 60-80 38.2
80-100 53.3
100-125 75.6 150-200 154.8
200-250 252
Viburnum opulus
white flowers, red fruits
co/mb 3xv   80-100 43.7
Kalmia angustifolia 'Rubra'
dark purple flowers
co 2xv   20-30 41.8
co 30-40 49.2
Caragana arborescens 'Pendula'
weeping crown
medium 3xv   100-125 117.6
high 18-20 150-175 1,320
Сотoneaster acutifolius
dark red autumn color of the leaves
co 2xv   40-60 13.2
Сотoneaster horizontalis
orange-red autumn color of the leaves
co 2xv 30-40   10.2
40-60   12.5
Сотoneaster adpressus
dark red autumn color of the leaves
co/mdb 2xv   20-30 10.2
30-40 12.7
Сотoneaster divaricatus
dark orange autumn color of the lea
co 2xv   40-60 14.4
60-100 15.8
3xv 80-100 50.4
100-125 61.2 150-175 147.6
200-250 288
Clematis x hybr
varied color of flowers
liana on the 3xv   100-150 69.6
150-200 111.6
200-250 156
Acer rubrum 'Armstrong'
autumn orange-purple leaves narrow-pyramidal crown 3xv   300-350 982.8
4xv 350-400 1976.4
Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset'
autumn orange-purple leaves 3xv   250-300 702
4xv 350-400 1976
Acer rubrum
autumn color from yellow-orange to purple 3xv   300-350 982.8
4xv 350-400 1976.4
Acer platanoides 'Globosum'
correct spherical crown
medium 3xv   100-125 130.7
125-150 150.1
14-16 150-175 183.6
high 12-14 250-275 459
14-16 275-300 637.2
medium 4xv 18-20 80-100 1,242
18-20 100-125 1,242
18-20 125-150 1,242
20-25 100-125 1,652.4
low 150-200 175-200 831.6
Acer platanoides 'Deborah'
the leaves are purple-red when blooming
high 3xv 16-18 350-400 831.6
Acer platanoides 'Drummondii'
the leaves are green with a white border
high 3xv 12-14 250-300 939.6
14-16 300-350 1,274.4
16-18 350-400 1,749.6
4xv 18-20 400-450 2,527.2
Acer platanoides 'Crimson King'
dark red color of the leaves
high strain.ob   16-18 300-350 572.4
Acer platanoides 'Crimson Sentry'
dark red color of the leaves 3xv   125-150 248.4
150-200 356.4
200-250 507.6
250-300 702
Acer platanoides 'Faassen's Black'
dark red color of the leaves 3xv   200-250 486
high 12-14 250-300 637.2
14-16 300-350 766.8
Acer platanoides 'Emerald Queen'
wide-circle crown shape
high 3xv 12-14 250-300 372.6
14-16 300-350 507.6
16-18 350-400 680.4
18-20 400-450 928.8
4xv 20-25 450-500 1,436.4
25-30 500-550 1,922.4
Acer platanoides
yellow-orange-red autumn color of leaves
solitary 3-4 barrels.mdb 4xv   350-400 810
400-500 1,112.4
Acer campestre 'Elsrijk'
the rounded shape of the crown, the golden-yellow autumn color of the leaves
high 3xv 12-14 250-300 342
14-16 300-350 477
16-18 350-400 621
18-20 400-450 873
Acer campestre
yellow-orange autumn leaf color
mb 3xv   125-150 32,2
co 150-175 41,4
mdb 175-200 41,4 100-150 200-250 138,6
4xv 150-200 300-350 675
high 3xv 12-14 250-300 342
14-16 300-350 477
16-18 350-400 621
4xv 18-20 400-450 873
haircut ball on the 30-35 100 3420
garden 150-200 200-250 2376
250-300 3042
Acer ginnala
fiery red autumn color of the leaves 3xv   100-125 54.7
125-150 66.2
250-300 292.8
4xv 150-200 300-350 921.6
Acer saccharinum 'Laciniatum Wieri'
the leaves are narrow, elegant, silvery-white on the underside
mdb     200-250 253.8
solitary.mdb 3xv 150-200 250-300 367.2
Acer negundo 'Aureo-Variegatum'
variegated yellow-green color of the leaves
co/mdb 2xv   60-80 37.6
80-100 51.8
3xv 100-125 128
Acer negundo 'Variegatum'
the leaves are green with a white border
co/mdb 2xv   60-80 37.6
80-100 51.8
3xv 100-125 128
Acer negundo 'Flamingo'
green leaves with a pinkish-white border
co/mdb 2xv   60-80 37.6
80-100 51.8
3xv 100-125 128
Aesculus flava 'Vestita'
the flowers are yellow with red specks
  5xv   150-175 2,170.8
Aesculus hippocastanum 'Globosum'
rounded crown 3xv 12-14 250-275 518
4xv 20-25 400-500 2,786
Aesculus hippocastanum 'Pyramidalis'
pyramidal crown 3xv   175-200 561.6
4xv 20-25 400-500 2,289.6
Aesculus hippocastanum
the flowers are large white with red specks
medium 2xv   100-125 113.4
high 3xv 10-12 200-250 270
14-16 300-350 594
18-20 400-450 1,058.4
4xv 20-25 450-500 1,506.6
Quercus rubra
the leaves are dark green, bright red in autumn
low strain.mdb 3xv 12-14 200-250 136.1
high strain.mdb 14-16 250-300 637.2
16-18 350-400 831.6
Rhamnus frangula 'Asplenifolia'
openwork foliage
co/mb 3xv   80-100 81.6
Potentilla x hybr
yellow, white, pink or red color of the flowers
co 2xv   30-40 6.1
Corylus avellana 'Contorta'
the branches are unusually twisted
co 2xv   40-60 40.6
mdb 60-80 53.3
medium 3xv 100-125 153.6
Corylus avellana 'Fuscorubra'
the leaves are blood-red when they bloom
solitary 3xv   100-125 85.2
Corylus avellana
green leaves, edible fruits
co 2xv   60-100 15.8
Tilia platyphyllos 'Orebro'
conical crown 3xv 150-200 400-500 1,236
Tilia platyphyllos
wide-pyramidal crown shape, straight trunk
high strain.mdb 3xv 14-16 300-350 426
16-18 350-400 588
18-20 400-450 1,176
4xv 20-25 1,596
Tilia cordata 'Greenspire'
dense wide-oval crown shape, yellowish flowers
high strain.mdb 3xv 12-14 250-300 312
14-16 300-350 426
Tilia cordata hedge haircut.mdb 4xv 60x100 200 780
Elaegnus commutata
silvery color of the leaves
co 2xv   60-80 23.9 3xv 125-150 126.5
150-200 175.6
Mahonia aquifolium 'Apollo'
shiny leathery leaves, yellow flowers
co 2xv   20-25 32.1
25-30 36.3
30-40 42.6
Mahonia aquifolium
shiny leathery leaves, yellow flowers
co 2xv   20-30 10
30-40 15.5
Prunus tenella 'Fire Hill'
red-pink color of the flowers
co/mb 2xv   40-60 46.1 3xv 125-150 213.6
Prunus triloba
pink double flowers
co/mb 2xv   30-40 33.1
medium 3xv 60-80 70.8
80-100 81.6
100-125 94.8
Hippophaё rhamnoides
grayish green leaves and numerous orange fruits
co/mb 2xv   60-100 15.8
3xv 100-125 80.4
125-150 111.6
Alnus incana 'Aurea'
yellow green leaves 3xv   200-250 307.8
Alnus incana
dense pyramidal crown
solitary.3-4 barrels.mdb 3xv   200-250 253.8
Alnus glutinosa 'Imperialis'
split leaves 3xv   250-300 437.4
4xv 350-400 1,144.8
Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Carpet'®
groundcover plant
5-7 2xv     5.8
Pachysandra terminalis
groundcover plant
5-7 2xv     4.1
Paeonia suffruticosa x hybr
flower color ranging from white to dark red and purple
one year 1xv   20-30 85.2
two year 2xv 30-40 100.8
Hedera helix
dark green shiny leaves
4-6 2xv   40-60 8.4
4-6 60-80 11.8
Птелея трехлистная
Ptelea trifoliata
yellowish white fragrant flowers 3xv   200-250 300
Physocarpus opulifolia 'Dart's Gold'
yellowish color of the leaves
co 2xv   40-60 35.5
Physocarpus opulifolia 'Diabolo'
dark red leaves
co 2xv   40-60 31
3xv 60-80 49.2
Cytisus х kewensis
creamy white flowers
co 2xv   30-40 19.7
40-60 22.3
Cytisus decumbens
bright yellow flowers
co 2xv   20-30 14.1
30-40 17.5
Rhododendron 'Blue Peter'
light blue flowers with purple spot
co/mb 3xv   30-40 47.3
40-50 62.4
50-60 98.4
Rhododendron 'Gomer Waterer'
white flowers with a yellowish green spot
co/mb 3xv   30-40 47.3
40-50 62.4
50-60 98.4
Rhododendron 'Humboldt'
light pink flowers with a dark red spot
co/mb 3xv   30-40 47.3
40-50 62.4
50-60 98.4
Rhododendron 'Dr.H.C.Dresselhuys'
ruby red flowers
co/mb 3xv   30-40 47.3
3xv 40-50 62.4
50-60 98.4
Rhododendron 'Catawbiense Boursault'
purple flowers
co/mb 2xv   30-40 38.6
3xv 40-50 52.8
50-60 72
Rhododendron 'Catawbiense Grandiflorum'
purple flowers with a pinkish tinge
co/mb 2xv   30-40 38.6
3xv 40-50 52.8
50-60 72
Rhododendron 'Cunningham's White'
white flowers with yellowish-brown speckles
co/mb 2xv   30-40 38.6
3xv 40-50 52.8
50-60 72
Rhododendron impedium 'Gristede'
violet blue flowers
co/mb 3xv   20-25 20.2
25-30 28.1
30-40 39.8
4xv 40-50 51.6
Rhododendron impedium
violet blue flowers
co/mb 3xv   20-25 23.5
25-30 31.9
4xv 30-40 50.4
Rhododendron 'Roseum Elegans'
pink flowers with a red brown tint
co/mb 2xv   30-40 38.6
3xv 40-50 52.8
50-60 72
Rosa pimpinellifolia
white or yellowish color of the flowers
co 2xv   60-100 20.9
Rosa nitida
pink flowers
co 2xv   40-60 19
Rosa virginiana
light pink color of the flowers
co 2xv   40-60 16.3
Роза грузинская
Rosa rubiginosa
pink color of the flowers
co 2xv   60-100 15.2
Rosa multiflora
white or pink color of the flowers
co 2xv   60-100 15.2
Rosa rugosa 'Alba'
white color of the flowers
co 2xv   40-60 16.3
Rosa rugosa
pink color of the flowers
co 2xv   40-60 14.9
Rosa arvensis
white color of the flowers
co 2xv   40-60 18
Rosa blanda
bright pink color of the flowers
co 2xv   40-60 16.3
Rosa x rugotida
pink color of the flowers
co 2xv   40-60 18
Rosa glauca
red color of the flowers
co 2xv   60-100 16.3
Sorbus koehneana
white color of the fruit
co/mb 3xv   100-125 115.2 150-200 213.6
5xv 150-200 200-250 960
Sorbus aucuparia 'Asplenifolia'
split leaves 3xv   150-200 212
Sorbus aucuparia 'Fastigiata'
narrow pyramidal crown, bright red fruits 3xv   150-200 218
200-250 312
4xv 300-350 984
Sorbus aucuparia 'Edulis'
white flowers, orange red fruits
high strain.mdb 3xv 16-18 300-350 756
Sorbus aucuparia
white flowers, orange red fruits
high 3xv 14-16 250-300 426
  16-18 300-350 588
solitary.3-4 barrels.mdb   200-250 396
solitary.5-7 barrels.mdb 4xv 400-500 2,352
Sorbus serotina
orange red autumn color of the leaves 3xv   250-300 426
300-350 636
Sorbus intermedia
wide pyramidal crown shape, dark red
solitary.3-4 barrels.mb 3xv   300-350 840
Sorbaria sorbifolia
openwork leaves creamy-white flowers 3xv   125-150 111.6
150-200 154.8
Cornus alba 'Argenteomarginata'
leaves with creamy white edging, red color of the shoots
co 2xv   60-100 20.9
3xv 80-100 51.6
100-125 63.6
Cornus alba 'Sibirica Variegata'
leaves with yellow edging, shoots red
co/mdb 2xv   60-100 16.3
3xv 60-80 38.6
80-100 51.6
100-125 63.6
Cornus alba 'Sibirica'
orange red coloring of leaves in autumn, bright red coloring of shoots
co/mdb 2xv   60-100 23
3xv 80-100 51.6
100-125 63.6
Cornus alba 'Spaethii'
leaves with yellow edging, shoots red
co/mdb 2xv   60-100 20.9
3xv 80-100 51.6
100-125 63.6
Cornus sanguinea
the red yellow coloring of the leaves in autumn
co 2xv   60-100 15.8
Cornus stolonifera 'Flaviramea'
bright greenish yellow shoots
co/mdb 2xv   60-100 15.8
3xv 100-125 53.3
Syringa josikaea
bright purple, fragrant flowers 3xv   125-150 198
4xv 150-175 360
200-250 720
Syringa vulgaris 'Sensation'
the flowers are purple red with a white border
co 3xv   60-80 76.8
80-100 115.2 100-125 159.6
125-150 224.4
4xv 150-175 360
medium 3xv 100-125 120
Cotinus coggygria
unusual fluffy inflorescences 2xv   60-100 310.8
3xv 60-80 64.8
80-100 96.1
100-125 136.1
Cotinus coggygria'Royal Purple'
unusual fluffy inflorescences and purple violet leaves 2xv   40-60 36.5
60-80 45.8
3xv 80-100 143.6
100-125 197.6
Prunus x cistena
dark purple leaves, white flowers
co 2xv   40-60 36.2 3xv 80-100 109.2
medium 100-125 41.8
Ribes alpinum 'Schmidt'
greenish yellow small flowers
  2xv   60-100  
Ribes sanguineum 'King Edward VII'
red color of the flowers
co 3xv   80-100 63.6
100-125 80.4
Symphoricarpos albus var.laevigatus
small pink flowers, white fruits
co/mb 2xv   40-60 15.8
Spiraea billardii 'Triumphans'
deep pink flowers
co 2xv   60-100 15.8
3xv 80-100 53.3
Spiraea x bumalda 'Anthony Waterer'
flowers crimson or ruby red
co 2xv   20-30 14.2
30-40 17.5
3xv 40-60 28.3
Spiraea x bumalda 'Froebelii'
crimson flowers
co 2xv   30-40 14.2
2xv 40-60 15.8
Spiraea Spiraea x vanhouttei
white flowers
co/mb 2xv   60-100 19.4
3xv 80-100 43
100-125 60
Spiraea nipponica 'Snowmound'
white flowers
co 2xv   40-60 19
3xv 80-100 64.8
Spiraea x arguta
pure white flowers
co 2xv   40-60 17.3
60-100 21.4
3xv 80-100 68.4
Spiraea x cinerea 'Grefsheim'
white flowers
co 2xv   40-60 17.3
3xv 60-80 40.6
80-100 68.4
Spiraea decumbens
white flowers
co 2xv   15-20 11.2
20-30 13.4
Spiraea thunbergii
white flowers
co 2xv   40-60 23.5
Spiraea japonica 'Golden Princess'
pink red flowers, yellow colored leaves
co 2xv   20-30 10.2
3xv 30-40 28.3
Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess'
pink red flowers
co 2xv   15-20 7.2
3xv 20-30 8.2
30-40 28.3
40-50 38.2
Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana'
coloration of flowers from white to pink and red
co 2xv   20-30 16.3
3xv 30-40 24
40-50 36.2
Stephanandra incisa 'Crispa'
decorative leaves
co/mb 2xv   20-30 5.9
30-40 6.5
40-60 7.9
Populus alba 'Nivea'
silver green color of the leaves
high 3xv 14-16 300-350 510
3xv 16-18 350-400 684
Populus tremula 'Erecta'
columnar crown 4xv   400-500 1,380
Forsythia x intermedia 'Lynwood'
yellow color of the flowers
co 2xv   60-100 16.3
3xv 80-100 43
Forsythia x intermedia 'Week-End'
yellow color of the flowers
co 3xv   60-80 54.7
80-100 76.8
Fothergilla major
creamy white color of flowers, orange autumn color of leaves
co/mb 3xv   30-40 73.2
40-50 93.6
50-60 122.4
Chaenomeles 'Pink Lady'
pink color of the flowers
co 2xv 40-60   23.5
3xv 60-80 90
80-100 130.8
Humulus lupulus
decorative leaves
liana on the 2xv   80-125 15.4
3xv 100-150 67.2
Prunus maackii 'Amber Beauty'
brown red color of the trunk 3xv   200-250 420
Prunus padus
white color of flowers, black, shiny fruits 3xv   250-300 216
4xv 200-300 300-350 729
Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile'
large white flowers with a pink-purple spot
co 2xv   40-60 20.6
3xv 60-80 57.6
Philadelphus coronarius
creamy white flowers 3xv   100-125 61.2
solitary.mdb 125-150 85.2
Philadelphus 'Virginal'
large shrub, snow white double flowers
co 2xv   60-100 17.3
solitary.mb 3xv 80-100 43.7 100-125 64.8
125-150 103.2
Philadelphus 'Manteau D'Hermin'
low shrub with white double flowers
co 3xv   60-80 57.6
Philadelphus 'Schneesturm'
large shrub, snow white double flower
co 2xv   60-100 17.3
co/mb 3xv 80-100 43.7
100-125 64.8 125-150 103.2
Philadelphus 'Erectus'
white flowers with a strong aroma
co 3xv   60-80 57.6
Erica x hybr
white, pink or red color of the flowers
co 2xv   10-15 5.6
15-20 6.8
Malus x hybr 'Paul Hauber'
dark red leaves, red flowers, small red fruits
medium 3xv   100-125 108
Malus x hybr 'Profusion'
pinkish red flowers, green leaves, small red fruits 4xv 150-200 250-300 876
Malus x hybr 'Red Jade'
weeping crown, red green leaves, white flowers, red fruits
medium 3xv   100-125 108
Malus x hybr 'Red Splendor'
red green leaves, pink flowers, red fruits
medium 3xv   100-125 108
Malus x hybr 'Royal Beauty'
dark pink flowers, purple leaf color, weeping crown
medium 3xv   100-125 108
Malus x hybr 'Royalty'
dark pink flowers, purple color of the leaves 4xv 150-200 250-300 876
high 3xv 12-14 250-300 612
Malus x hybr 'Rudolph'
dark pink flowers, purple color of the leaves 3xv   150-200 178.8
200-250 288
4xv 150-200 624
150-200 250-300 876
high 3xv 10-12 456
14-16 852
Malus x hybr 'Everest'
white flowers, orange red fruits
co 3xv   100-125 103.2 150-200 178.8
200-250 288
4xv 150-200 624
150-200 250-300 876
high 3xv 12-14 612
16-18 1,164
Malus toringoi
white flowers, yellow orange fruits 4xv 150-200 200-250 624
Malus floribunda
pale pink flowers and decorative fruits
co 3xv   125-150 129.6 200-250 288
high 10-12 250-300 456
Malus 'Eleyi'
crimson flowers, dark red fruits
co 2xv   100-150 45.8 3xv 125-150 129.6
150-200 178.8
Malus sargentii 'Tina'
white flowers, red fruits
medium 3xv   80-100 109.6
Malus sargentii
white flowers, red fruits 3xv   150-200 178.8
4xv 150-200 200-250 624
Fraxinus excelsior 'Diversifolia'
pyramidal crown
co/mb 3xv 14-16 300-350 636
co/mb 4xv 20-25 400-500 1,680
Fraxinus excelsior 'Pendula'
weeping crown
high 3xv 12-14 150-175 708 5xv 25-30 4,824
Fraxinus excelsior
oval crown
co/mb 2xv 8-10 250-300 129.6
3xv 12-14 300-350 47.4
18-20 400-450 1,032

ов - open root system
со - container
mb - ground clod
mdb - ground clod with a wire braid
2xv - transplanted 2 times
3xv - 3 times
4xv - 4 times
5xv - 5 times
6xv - 6 times
7xv - 7 times

The greater the number of transplants, the better formed and developed root system and higher rooting ability of plants, as well as more perfect its decorativeness.

Wire braid is a metal mesh in which the root ball is wrapped, for its preservation during transportation, the less the roots are injured, the higher the survival rate of plants.


Latin name,
brief description of plants
Standard, root system packagingNumber of transfersWidth, tree trunk girth, cmHeight, cmPrice per piece, euro
Picea breweriana
weeping branches
co/mb 4xv   70-80 185
Picea pungens
bluish green needles 4xv   175-200 518
5xv 225-250 1,058.4
Picea Picea pungens 'Glauca'
greenish blue needles 4xv   100-125 167.2
125-150 259.1
150-175 368
175-200 518
Picea pungens 'Glauca Globosa'
spherical crown, silver blue needles
co/mb 3xv 25-30   69
30-40 97
4xv 40-50 126
Picea pungens 'Koster'
silver blue needles 5xv   175-200 785
Picea pungens 'Hoopsii'
silver blue needles 4xv   100-125 318
125-150 422
150-175 566
5xv 175-200 785
Picea abies 'Virgata'
long, low branched branches 5xv   150-175 587.3
200-225 1,044
Picea abies 'Inversa'
narrow columnar weeping crown
co/mb 3xv   70-80 147 4xv 80-100 200.1
100-125 248
5xv 150-175 587.3
200-225 1,044
Picea abies 'Columnaris'
narrow column crown
co/mb 3xv   70-80 178.5
Picea abies 'Nidiformis'
dwarf nest shaped crown, bright green needles
co/mb 2xv 20-30   22.3
30-40 30
3xv 40-50 43.3 5xv 100-125 734.7
125-150 1,199.7
Picea abies 'Pygmaea'
dwarf wide conical crown, light green needles
co/mb 3xv 30-40   39.7 5xv 150-200 175-200 2,349
ЕPicea abies 'Will's Zwerg'
dwarf narrow conical crown, dark green needles
co/mdb 4xv   60-70 183
Picea omorika
dark green needles
co/mb 4xv   150-175 142
175-200 226 5xv   225-250 415
275-300 917.7
300-350 1,340
6xv 350-400 2,106.7
Picea omorika 'Nana'
dwarf wide conical crown, dark green needles
co/mb 2xv 20-25   42.8 4xv 50-60 130
Picea omorika 'Pendula Bruns'
weeping crown 5xv   150-175 501
175-200 580
Picea glauca 'Alberta Globe'
dwarf spherical crown, light green needles
co/mb 3xv 25-30   49
4xv 30-35 77
35-40 103
Picea glauca 'Conica'
correct cone shaped crown, light green needles
co/mb 2xv   20-30 19.7
30-40 27.1
3xv 40-50 31
50-60 41
60-70 62
70-80 85.6 4xv 80-100 155.4
100-125 252
Picea mariana 'Nana'
very dense, cushion shaped crown, bluish green needles
co/mb 2xv 20-25   27
Pinus pumilia 'Glauka'
creeping crown, bluish gray needles 4xv 80-100   873.6
6xv 100-125 1,209.6
Chamaecyparis pisifera'Filifera Aurea Nana'
dwarf spherical crown, golden yellow needles
co 2xv   20-25 28.3
3xv 25-30 40.6
30-40 75.6
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Nana'
dwarf spherical crown, yellowish green needles
co/mb 2xv   20-25 28.3
25-30 40.6
3xv 30-40 75.6
mb 5xv 125-150 80-100 1.752
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Sungold'
dwarf wide conical crown, golden yellow needles
co/mb 2xv   20-25 28.3
25-30 40.6
mb 3xv 30-40 75.6
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Minima Glauca'
dwarf rounded crown, green needles
co 3xv   25-30 57.6
Pseudotsuga menziesii var. caesia
gray green needles
co 3xv   150-175 160.1
200-225 336.6
solitary 4xv 100-150 225-250 1,020
Larix decidua
bright green needles, golden yellow in autumn 3xv   300-350 423.1
Larix kaempferi
bluish green needles, golden yellow in autumn
co/mb 2xv   80-100 29.3 3xv 250-300 297
300-350 415
350-400 594
4xv 150-200 1,346.4
Larix kaempferi 'Blue Dwarf'
bluish gray needles
medium 3xv   60-80 134.6
Larix kaempferi 'Diana'
branches slightly twisted in a spiral
co/mb 3xv   40-60 62.4
Larix kaempferi 'Pendula'
weeping crown shape
co/mb 4xv   175-200 414.8
Microbiota decussata
prostrate crown shape, green needles
co/mb 2xv 20-30   25.7
30-40 29.5
3xv 40-50 41.8
Juniperus virginiana 'Skyrocket'
narrow columnar crown, bluish gray needles
co/mb 2xv   50-60 23.7
60-80 35.4
3xv 80-100 58
100-125 80.1
Juniperus sabina 'Mas'
wide spread crown, dark green needles
co/mb 2xv 30-40   22.1
3xv 40-60 35.5
Juniperus sabina 'Rockery Gem'
dwarf wide spreading crown, blue green needles
co/mb 2xv 20-30   20.2
30-40 27.9
3xv 40-50 40.3
Juniperus sabina 'Tamariscifolia'
wide spread crown, bluish green needles
co/mb 2xv 20-30   20.2
30-40 27.9
3xv 40-50 40.3
Juniperus sabina 'Femina'
wide spread crown, dark green needles
co/mb 2xv 30-40   22.1
Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Alps'
compact crown, blue needles
co/mb 3xv 30-40   35.5
40-50 44.9
mb 4xv 60-80 106.8
Juniperus chinensis 'Mint Julep'
spreading crown, bright green needles
co/mb 2xv 20-30   29.5
30-40 36.2
3xv 40-50 43
50-60 72
Juniperus chinensis 'Old Gold'
outspread crown, golden yellow needles
co/mb 2xv 20-25   23
25-30 27.6
3xv 30-40 40.6
40-50 62.4
Juniperus chinensis 'Pfitzeriana'
outspread crown, bluish green needles
co/mb 2xv 20-30   20.6
30-40 28.8
3xv 60-80 90
Juniperus chinensis 'Pfitzeriana Aurea'
wide spread crown, yellow green needles
co 2xv 25-30   29.5
30-40 36.2
3xv 40-50 43
co/mb 50-60 72
Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii'
spreading crown, gray green needles
co 2xv 30-40   28.8

40-60 38.6 4xv 100-125 348
Juniperus procumbens 'Nana'
dwarf creeping crown, bluish green needles
co/mb 2xv 20-25   30.7
25-30 38.2
3xv 30-40 93.5
40-50 116.6
Juniperus communis 'Green Carpet'
outspread crown, green needles
co 2xv 25-30   23.9
3xv 30-40 30.4
Juniperus communis 'Meyer'
columnar crown, silver-green needles
co/mb 2xv   40-60 23.2
60-80 34.6
3xv 80-100 62.1 4xv 200-225 663.6
Juniperus communis 'Repanda'
dwarf creeping crown, dark green needles
co/mb 2xv 20-30   16.2
30-40 23.1
40-50 37.6
Juniperus communis 'Suecica'
columnar crown, bluish green needles
co/mb 2xv   40-60 27.1
60-80 40.3
3xv 80-100 72.5
100-125 97.7 4xv 125-150 192.2
Juniperus communis 'Hibernica'
narrow pyramidal crown, glaucous green needles
co/mb 2xv   40-60 23.2
60-80 34.6
3xv 80-100 62.1 4xv 125-150 164.7
150-175 297
175-200 495
200-225 711
Juniperus communis 'Hornibrookii'
dwarf creeping crown, light green needles
co/mb 2xv 20-30   13.9
30-40 19.8
3xv 40-50 32.2
Juniperus horizontalis 'Glauca'
creeping crown, needles of bluish steel color
co/mb 2xv 20-25   16.2
25-30 20.2
3xv 30-40 30.7
Juniperus horizontalis 'Prince Of Wales'
creeping crown, bluish green needles
co/mb 2xv 20-25   16.2
25-30 20.2
3xv 30-40 30.7
Juniperus squamata 'Blue Carpet'
spread out crown, grayish blue needles
co/mb 2xv 20-30   16.2
30-40 23.1
3xv 40-50 37.6
50-60 59.9
Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star'
dwarf compact crown, silver blue needles
co/mb 2xv 20-25   24.6
3xv 25-30 40.3
30-40 56.7 4xv 50-60 127.1
Juniperus squamata 'Meyeri'
spreading crown, silvery blue needles
co/mb 2xv 20-30   20.2
30-40 27.1
3xv 40-50 39.3
Abies balsamea 'Nana'
dwarf compact cushion shaped crown
co/mb 3xv 20-25   43
25-30 62.4
Abies concolor
dense crown, gray green needles
co 3xv   125-150 462
solitary.mdb 4xv   150-175 636
  200-225 1,092
Pinus strobus 'Radiata'
dwarf wide conical crown, blue green needles
co/mb 3xv 40-50   91.2
Pinus mugo
large coniferous shrub 3xv 60-80 60-80 92
100-125 202.5
4xv 100-125 383
125-150 417
125-150 586
150-175 1,080
5xv 150-200 1,764
Pinus mugo 'Gnom'
spherical crown, dark green needles
co/mb 2xv 25-30   51.8
3xv 30-40 64.3
garden 4xv 60-70 326.4
70-80 412.8
60-80 80-100 768
5xv 100-125 100-125 1,756.8
100-125 125-150 2,035.2
6xv 125-150 100-125 2,035.2
7xv 150-200 125-150 3,859.2
Pinus mugo 'Columnaris'
narrow conical crown, dark green needles
co/mb 4xv   50-60 131
60-80 189
80-100 306
Pinus mugo 'Mini Mops'
dwarf cushion shaped crown, dark green needles
co/mb 3xv 20-25   74.9
4xv 25-30 115.2
Pinus mugo 'Mops'
dwarf spherical crown, dark green needles
co/mb 3xv 25-30   64.3
30-40 96
40-50 130.6 3xv 60-70 288
4xv 70-80 388.8
5xv 80-100 700.8
100-125 944
Pinus mugo var. mughus
creeping crown, dark green needles
co/mb 3xv 40-50   46.1
50-60 63.4 4xv 60-80 60-80 211.2
80-100 273.6
80-100 40-60 216
60-80 273.6
5xv 100-125 40-60 249.6
6xv 125-150 100-125 1,104
garden 5xv 80-100 80-100 960
Pinus mugo var. pumilio
cushion shaped crown, dark green needles
co/mb 2xv 20-25   25
25-30 32.4
3xv 30-40 54.7
40-50 97.9 5xv 100-125 648
125-150 873.6
Pinus cembra
wide ovoid crown, dark green needles 5xv   125-150 412
7xv 300-350 4,082.4
Pinus sylvestris
dark green or bluish green needles 3xv   175-200 274.5
200-225 504
4xv 125-150 175-200 495
garden 100-125 100-125 1,101
6xv 150-200 225-250 6,210
7xv 200-250 250-275 9,180
Pinus sylvestris 'Watereri'
beautiful crown, blue green needles
solitary.mdb 5xv 80-100 80-100 672
100-125 125-150 1,612.8
garden bonsai.mdb 100-125 1,756.8
125-150 2,035.2
6xv 125-150 5,733.1
Pinus sylvestris 'Glauca'
silver blue needles
garden bonsai.mdb 4xv 100-125 100-125 1,180.8
5xv 125-150 125-150 1,756.8
4xv 150-175 2,246.4
Pinus sylvestris 'Fastigiata'
narrow columnar crown, grayish blue green needles 4xv   150-175 414
Pinus peuce
beautiful crown, five coniferous pine 4xv   100-125 206.4
125-150 268.8
150-175 451.2
5xv 200-225 1,276.8
225-250 1,670

ов - open root system
со - container
mb - ground clod
mdb - ground clod with a wire braid
2xv - transplanted 2 times
3xv - 3 times
4xv - 4 times
5xv - 5 times
6xv - 6 times
7xv - 7 times

The greater the number of transplants, the better formed and developed root system and higher rooting ability of plants, as well as more perfect its decorativeness.

Wire braid is a metal mesh in which the root ball is wrapped, for its preservation during transportation, the less the roots are injured, the higher the survival rate of plants.


Latin name,
brief description of plants
Standard, root system packagingNumber of transfersWidth, tree trunk girth, cmHeight, cmPrice per piece, euro
Pseudocydonia sinensis 4xv   250-300   970
Fagus sylvatica 'Purple Fountain' 5xv     50-60 5000
Fagus sylvatica purpurea
(= Sämling)
6xv 300-400 700-900 60-70 6700
Ulmus 'New Horizon' 4xv     25-30 900
Ulmus glabra 'Pendula' 5xv   150-200 30-35 1560
35-40 1960
40-45 2560
Ginkgo biloba 6xv 200-300 700-900 30-35 1760
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 4xv 150-200 400-500 25-30 1180
5xv 200-300 500-700 30-35 1450
35-40 1900
40-45 2450
Cornus kousa 'Wieting's Select' 4xv   300-350   1900
5xv 150-200 350-400 2700
Zelkova serrata 6xv 300-400 500-700 50-60 3700
Quercus palustris 6xv 300-400 700-900 50-60 3520
60-70 5800
400-600 900-1200 6400
Quercus rubra 5xv 200-300 500-700 30-35 1450
6xv 300-400 700-900 50-60 3700
Quercus rubra feathered 4xv 400-600 700-900 60-70 9600
8xv 900-1200 100-120 14000
300-400 160-180
Quercus rubra multistem 4xv 200-300 500-700   1600
7xv 400-600 900-1200 120-140 16000
Quercus robur 5xv 200-300 700-900 35-40 1560
40-45 1900
6xv 300-400 60-70 4800
8xv 400-600 900-1200 100-120 16000
Picea abies 6xv 200-300 500-550   2500
550-600 3200
7xv 300-400 600-700 4600
Picea omorika 8xv   800-900   7800
Salix alba 'Tristis'
(= sepulcralis Chrysocoma)
6xv     50-60 2500
5xv 300-400   70-80 6000
Salix alba 'Tristis' multistem 3-4 x 5-7
(= sepulcralis Chrysocoma)
5xv   100-120   10000
Salix alba 'Tristis' multistem 3-4 x 7-9
(= sepulcralis Chrysocoma)
5xv   140-160   14000
Amelanchier lamarckii 5xv 200-300 350-400   1900
400-450 2560
450-500 2900
Acer campestre 5xv 200-300 600-700   2090
Acer campestre 'Elsrijk' 6xv 300-400 500-700 45-50 2800
50-60 3900
Acer rubrum 5xv   700-800   8800
7xv 800-900 11500
300-400 900-1200 100-120 16000
Acer rubrum 'Autumn Blaze'
(= platanoid.Aut.B.)
4xv     20-25 520
150-200 400-500 25-30 1180
5xv 500-700 30-35 1450
7xv 300-400 700-900 70-80 7600
Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset'
(= Franksred)
4xv 150-200 500-700 25-30 1180
5xv   500-600   1300
450-500 960
Acer rubrum 'Sun Valley' 4xv 150-200 400-500 30-35 1450
Acer opalus 5xv 150-200 350-400   1360
6xv 400-500 1900
500-700 2200
Acer platanoides 6xv 300-400 700-900 45-55 2400
Acer rubrum 'Armstrong'
(= A.freemanii A.)
5xv   700-900 35-40 1650
40-45 2300
6xv 45-50 2900
50-60 3700
Acer platanoides 'Globosum' 4xv   150-200 25-30 1180
180-220 30-35 1200
5xv 200-300 30-35 1600
35-40 1900
40-45 2970
45-50 3900
50-60 4600
6xv 300-400 60-70 7840
7xv 70-80 14000
Acer platanoides 'Deborah' 5xv 200-300 500-700 30-35 1450
35-40 1900
40-45 2450
Acer platanoides 'Columnare' 5xv 150-200 500-700 30-35 920
6xv 200-300 700-900 40-45 1900
150-200 500-700 45-50 2080
50-60 2800
Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' 4xv     20-25 520
400-500 25-30 1180
5xv 200-300 500-700 35-40 1900
300-400 40-45 2700
Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' feathered 5xv 200-300 500-700 30-35 1450
35-40 1900
40-45 2450
Acer platanoides 'Royal Red' 5xv 200-300 500-700 30-35 1450
35-40 1900
7xv 400-600 700-900 80-90 24000
Acer platanoides 'Farlake's Green' 5xv 200-300 700-900 30-35 920
Acer platanoides 'Emerald Queen' 4xv 150-200 500-700 30-35 920
5xv 200-300 35-40 1190
Acer saccharinum 6xv 300-400 700-900 50-60 2100
Acer saccharinum 'Wieri'
(= Laciniatum)
6xv 300-400 800-900   2600
Acer griseum 6xv 100-150 350-400   1360
150-200 400-450 1900
Acer buergerianum 5xv 150-200 400-450   1500
200-250 450- 500 1900
Aesculus hippocastanum 5xv   800-1000   15000
Aesculus carnea 'Briotii' 5xv 200-300 500-700 35-40 1800
6xv 300-400 45-50 5000
Prunus lusitanica 'Angustifolia' 6xv   400-450   7000
Pterocarya fraxinifolia feathered 6xv 300-400 500-700 40-45 1600
45-50 2900
50-60 3700
Corylus avellana 5xv 300-400 400-500   1900
Tilia europaea 'Pallida' 4xv     20-25 390
5xv 200-300 500-700 30-35 860
40-45 1900
6xv 300-400 700-900 50-60 3500
60-70 5800
Tilia cordata 6xv 300-400 700-900 50-60 3500
60-70 5800
Tilia cordata 'Greenspire' 5xv 300-400 700-900 50-60 3500
60-70 5800
Liriodendron tulipifera 5xv 200-300 400-500 35-40 1900
500-700 40-45 2300
Larix decidua
(= europaea)
5xv 200-300 500-600   1280
Magnolia loebneri 'Leonard Messel' 4xv 150-200 350-400   1200
Magnolia soulangeana 4xv 150-200 300-350   1400
Magnolia 'Susan'
(= M.liliiflora S.)
6xv 150-200 275-300   1400
7xv 200-300 1700
300-350 1900
Juglans regia 6xv 300-400 500-700 50-60 3700
Parrotia persica 6xv 200-300 600-700   5000
Abies nordmanniana 'Pendula' 6xv   500-600   3700
Abies koreana (Sämling) 7xv   400-450   3100
Abies concolor 7xv 200-300 500-600   4140
Platanus acerifolia 'Malburg' 6xv 300-400 700-900 40-45 2200
45-50 2800
Pseudotsuga menziesii 6xv 200-300 500-600   2400
300-400 3300
600-700 5200
Sorbus 'Dodong' 4xv     20-30 850
4xv 100-150 400-500 25-30 1180
Sorbus aucuparia 'Sheerwater Seedling' 5xv 150-200 500-700 30-35 1180
Sorbus aucuparia 'Edulis'
(= auc.morav.)
5xv 100-150 500-700 30-35 1160
150-200 35-40 1500
40-45 1900
Sorbus intermedia 'Brouwers' 5xv 100-150 400-500 30-35 1450
Syringa vulgaris 'Comtesse d'Harcourt' 5xv 200-300 500-700   2400
Syringa vulgaris 'Madam Lemoine' 5xv 200-300 300-350   1560
350-400 1960
Pinus mugo
(= montana)
4xv 125-150 125-150   330
5xv 150-200 500
6xv 300-400 400-500 6000
Pinus mugo mughus 5xv 100-125 100-125   280
125-150 500
6xv 125-150 700
Pinus densiflora 6xv   275-300   1800
Pinus sylvestris 7xv   200-300 60-70 6800
300-400 70-80 10000
Pinus sylvestris 'Typ Waldbaum'     500-600 60-70 14000
Pinus nigra nigra
(= nigra austriaca)
5xv 150-200 300-350   1200
6xv 200-300 400-450 2340
7xv 300-400 2900
  300-400 80-90 10000
400-600 700-900 12000
Sophora japonica 4xv     20-25 500
5xv 200-300 500-700 30-35 1450
35-40 1900
40-45 2300
Taxodium distichum 5xv 200-300 450-500   1700
6xv   1700
200-300 500-600 2400
Prunus padus 'Watereri' 4xv 150-200 400-500 25-30 1050
Malus 'Boskoop'
(= Schoner von Boskoop) CAC
7xv   400-500 60-70 8500
Malus 'Golden Hornet' CAC
mahlerisch / natural Character
7xv 300-400 600-700   9000
6xv 700-800 10000
Malus 'Red Sentinel' 5xv 150-200   25-30 1180
Malus 'Street Parade'

ов - open root system
со - container
mb - ground clod
mdb - ground clod with a wire braid
2xv - transplanted 2 times
3xv - 3 times
4xv - 4 times
5xv - 5 times
6xv - 6 times
7xv - 7 times

The greater the number of transplants, the better formed and developed root system and higher rooting ability of plants, as well as more perfect its decorativeness.

Wire braid is a metal mesh in which the root ball is wrapped, for its preservation during transportation, the less the roots are injured, the higher the survival rate of plants.