Today, almost any suburban area can be used not only for growing greens, vegetables, fruit growing, but also for relaxation.

Sometimes it is necessary to observe how, in one season, instead of a potato field or even rows of beds with carrots and beets, a no less even lawn appears in which a grass blade seems to be matched to a grass blade. Children bask in the sun on it, and adults often eat kebabs, sitting next to the barbecue, read or listen to music, hiding under a round umbrella canopy. I would like not only to repeat such beauty, but also to make it even better.

Giving a certain style to your summer cottage is a very interesting activity. It requires certain knowledge and skills in the ability to shape the landscape. If such skills are absent, and the desire to transform your site and make it attractive is huge, it is best to contact our landscape designers who will prompt and help to perform such painstaking work.

Before starting to realize their ideas, the owners of the sites traditionally try to acquire knowledge using specialized literature, looking at thematic resources on the Internet, and also receiving advice from friends who consider themselves to be gurus in this field.

Of course, not every owner of a country house is able to independently turn his homely plot into a picture from a European magazine.

Breakdown of the territory into zones, design of landscape and construction works, the creation of drainage, irrigation and lighting systems, arbors, flower beds and rock gardens, paving paths, ground leveling, planting trees and shrubs, arranging the lawn. All this requires appropriate knowledge and experience.

If you try to save money and try to do it yourself, you can suffer financially and morally, forever disappointed in the future improvement of own summer house.

Therefore, proceeding to the decorative design of a garden plot, it is best to entrust this to specialized specialists in landscape design. Nevertheless, we will give you some tips on how to turn a summer cottage into a pleasant recreation area for the whole family.

Tips for arranging a summer cottage

First, trees and shrubs must be placed in a linear or staggered manner on the summer cottage, so that they grow in two tiers, then go in for lawns, and only then rock garden, if it is provided for by your project. Plants for him are carefully selected, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the largest section of the "hill" will be located on the north side, which means that it will require hardened, loving shade greens.

With the help of various architectural forms in the form of stone, wooden, metal crafts, you can give a certain theatricality to the garden area. And with the help of special borders it is possible to decoratively decorate flowerbeds and flower beds.

An interesting composition, made in the form of an openwork wall of multi-colored bricks, where flowerpots with flowers can be placed in the window openings, will be interesting. For such plants with small frosts, it is sufficient to use a cone-shaped removable covering material. It uses a hothouse bubble wrap. Such a brick fence comes to life due to the beautifully arranged and well-groomed flowers on it.

Behind such a wall it’s nice to arrange a table and chairs from processed logs. Arranged flowers in wicker baskets or wooden drawers are also suitable here.

The use of such material as cellular polycarbonate in the construction of a greenhouse, gazebo, summer terrace is a good solution, as it gives completeness and beautiful appearance to a single style in design. Manufacturers of air bubble films specifically supply their products as packaging material for the transport of polycarbonate joint profiles and panels. These transparent buildings can be supplemented with a variety of lamps, which in the evening will give the site mystery and mystery. To do this, you can position the backlight below.

Gardening of the seasonal dacha

Gardening is a very important stage of “re-equipping” a summer cottage into a full-fledged recreation area. It’s not enough just to show imagination and start dividing the site into functional zones. Independent work brings moral pleasure, but you suddenly realize that it is not enough, a professional approach is needed here.

And in this case, let me offer you our gardening services. Alpine hills, rose gardens, flower beds, lawns - all these types of work are not so simple. Many who tried it were convinced of it. The selection of plants, their location, height, the creation of a single color ensemble is important. It is clear that this requires knowledge and skills of a completely different qualitative level. But professionally performed landscaping will be pleasing to the eye and serve as a true decoration of your garden for many years.

Lawns are especially popular now. Exactly trimmed grass seems to be a soft carpet, and its bright green color, even on a cloudy day, makes it more fun. But this is not easy to achieve. We need special varieties of grass, their regular cutting and watering. Correct landing is also important. Otherwise, instead of a perfectly smooth green field, there is a chance to get a lashy meadow that will not decorate, but rather spoil your site.

Therefore, most gardeners and landowners apply for lawn making to professional landscapers. In addition to the obvious fact of guaranteed quality, this allows and saves time - the lawn under your windows will appear much faster than in the case of independent experiments.

Vertical gardening

There are a lot of purposes for vertical gardening - this is the opportunity to make a smooth transition from one height to another, and the opportunity to work with different tiers and create pockets for special soils, emphasize wall decoration materials or divide the garden into functional zones.

Very often, owners get plots with hills, ravines, slopes. Geoplastics will come to the rescue here. The relief will be formed by fragments, the slope will turn into steps with a horizontal surface, using terracing and retaining walls.

Decorative walls and screens are used to hide some unsightly object, view, just the wall of the house or create a corner for privacy. Trellis - the most common elements of small architectural forms used for wall decoration. These are lattice panels made of wooden battens or metal rods. Their function is not only to close the wall of the house, but also serve as a support for decorative climbing plants.

To create green walls often use woven from willow twigs or hazel panels - wattle in the rustic style. Such walls serve no more than ten years, but in strength and beauty they are not inferior to others.

This whole interior of the elements of vertical gardening can be supplemented by the mesmerizing beauty and grace of moving water. Fountains are thrown up: from a source in the wall, jets or small splashes of water fall into the pool, waterfalls are thrown into the pond.