You purchased a house with a plot that no one has previously worked on. Or you have been living in it for a long time, but for the time being, the landscape designer dozing in your soul has woken up just now and cannot indifferently look at the surrounding landscape and just asks for changes.

It is very difficult for a novice designer to understand the whole variety of trees, various plants, decorative elements, which can now be easily purchased or ordered. But we will give some useful tips that will help you take the first steps in landscape design and, possibly, become a good specialist in the future.

  • Divide the site into separate zones.
    Any sensible idea requires planning, so first try to outline a rough plan for dividing the site into separate zones. For this, it will be necessary to take into account the wishes of all household members, including children, of course:
    • how many guests can come to rest for the weekend at the same time;
    • whether it is planned to install a gazebo for relaxing from daytime worries with a cup of aromatic tea;
    • do you want to isolate yourself from the annoying views of your neighbors with a garden with tall trees;
    • do you have animals that also require a place for walking and entertainment;
    • will someone from your family practice gardening and growing vegetables.
    There can be a lot of such issues, therefore it is better to think over everything in advance so as not to redo it with big expenses in the future.
  • Identify the light and wind rose.
    Try to track how the sun illuminates your area during the day, as well as the priority direction of the winds. Beginning landscape designers usually pay little attention to this moment.
    For example, if the recreation area is on the western side of the garden, then on a hot summer day it will not be possible to rest nicely under the burning sun. And where it is planned to install the barbecue, the wind can be so strong that you will have to think not about flavorful barbecue, but about fire safety.
    Please note, the direction of the wind can change throughout the year, depending on the season. Better not be in a hurry, carefully consider all the more or less significant subtleties.
  • Use the advice and experience of others.
    Read useful tips in various magazines on the subject of landscape design, look for information on the Internet, watch TV shows. But do not try to scatter and immediately follow all the tips or immediately implement ambitious projects.
  • Imagine the future landscape.
    Try to present your landscape design to the plot to scale. Imagine yourself a Gulliver looking at creations of midgets. The task is not easy and requires an excellent vision of perspectives and visualization, but allows you to avoid many errors at the planning stage. Imagine, for example, that the trees you planted now will close the flowerbed in the background in the future. Try to avoid such overlays.
  • Define the center of the composition.
    Designate a center for yourself. The basis of any landscape project is precisely those centers around which the entire composition is built. This can be a large tree, or a series of shrubs, or some kind of man-made composition such as a fountain or garden sculpture.
  • Make a combination of colors.
    One of the most difficult design tasks is to compose a single color symphony of what you have planned to equip. If the resulting composition looks too monotonous, sometimes it’s enough to add one or several dramatically different elements from a single background, so that the landscape literally transforms for the better.
  • Do it gradually and creatively.
    Try your hand at something small, for example, ennoble a flower bed, but do not forget that over time the planted plants will grow and fill all the gaping voids.
  • Experiment.
    Over time, you may change tastes and preferences, monotony palls. Feel yourself a creator-creator, capable of any changes. Take pleasure in it, in the end, you do it for yourself.
    The landscape design is beautiful and that does not limit imagination, the choice of options is endless.
  • Be patient and hardworking.
    Not without reason they say that patience and work will grind everything, in any business it is the key to a successful result. You will succeed, especially with us, because you can always turn to us for professional advice and help.