Plants from German nurseries

Lorberg nursery

In the nursery Lorberg grow a wide range of grasses, shrubs, different types of trees. The territory of the nursery occupies more than 400 hectares of land, here you can buy everything you need to implement landscape projects. Skilled care of plants observance of correct water and temperature regime, timely planting allows to grow high quality planting material. Also in the nursery plants are cut, which gives the crowns a decorative appearance. Lorberg's projects became famous in Europe, France and Russia.

Lappen nursery

In 1984, the Lappen tree nursery was opened, located on the territory of the German city of Nettetale and the neighboring Dutch city of Venlo. Его площадь занимает 550 гектаров земли. On the territory of the nursery by qualified staff grow trees intended for single planting and forming alleys. Here you can buy and coniferous plants, multilateral solitaires, stamp solitaires, molded plants.

Bruns Pflanzen nursery

More than 130 years have passed since Bruns Pflanzen kennel was founded. During this time, the high-quality plants grown there have become an excellent addition to gardens and landscaping. Among the huge range of plants in the nursery there are different types of planting crops, ranging from soil-covering grasses to trees-solitaires. The nursery employs 300 qualified staff, who skillfully take care of the plants and fulfill the wishes of customers.

Lorenz von Ehren nursery

German nursery with 600 hectares in Hamburg and Bad Zwischenan, which grows more than 500000 plants of 2000 genera, species and varieties. This family-run company, founded in 1865, has gained worldwide recognition as the leading supplier of various plants in Europe during its century and a half history. Here 160 professionals take care of avenue and solitaire trees, topiary forms and evergreen plants, fruit trees and shrubs.Special priority in the nursery is given to large trees aged from 10 years, well adapted to transplanting and guaranteeing 100% survival rate. The nursery successfully cooperates with Russian clients for more than 20 years, consistently demonstrating the highest quality of products, affordable prices and individual approach.

Prices for trees and shrubs from German nurseries

Learn more and order +7 (495) 979-93-00

In nurseries you can order fruit, deciduous and coniferous trees, ornamental plants and shrubs:

Birch Jungle
Fastigiata Oak
Red Oak
Ivory Pear
Hybrid apple trees